What is Strategy Communication?

Strategy communication refers to the practice of effectively conveying an organization's strategic objectives and plans to its internal stakeholders. This involves clearly articulating the company's vision, goals, and the steps required to achieve them, ensuring that every team member is aligned and moving in the same direction. Effective strategy communication is crucial for fostering a sense of purpose, direction, and engagement among employees.

Why is strategy communication relevant to internal comms?

Strategy communication sits at the heart of internal communications because it directly impacts employee understanding, engagement, and alignment with organizational goals. By effectively communicating the strategy, internal comms professionals can ensure that all employees understand their role in the company's success, which in turn, can enhance motivation, productivity, and overall organizational performance.

Examples of strategy communication in internal comms

An example of effective strategy communication might be an annual all-hands meeting where the CEO presents the strategic plan for the year ahead, including key objectives, initiatives, and expected outcomes. This could be supported by regular updates through internal newsletters, intranet posts, and departmental meetings to keep the strategy top-of-mind and track progress against goals.

Best practices for strategy communication

Key best practices include:

  • Ensuring clarity and simplicity in messaging to avoid confusion.

  • Aligning communication methods with employee preferences and organizational culture.

  • Providing regular updates and feedback loops to keep employees informed of progress and changes.

  • Encouraging two-way communication to allow for employee feedback and questions.

Common challenges for strategy communication

Challenges may include:

  • Overcoming information overload or competing messages.

  • Ensuring message consistency across various communication channels.

  • Engaging employees who may be resistant to change or skeptical of new strategic directions.

Strategy communication FAQs

  1. How often should strategy be communicated to employees? It should be an ongoing effort, with major strategic updates aligned with significant planning cycles, such as annually, and regular updates throughout the year.

  2. What role do leaders play in strategy communication? Leaders are crucial in modeling the strategic priorities through their actions and communications, providing clarity and inspiration for the team.

  3. How can we measure the effectiveness of our strategy communication? Effectiveness can be measured through employee surveys, feedback channels, and by assessing alignment and engagement levels, as well as progress towards strategic goals.


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