Microlearning quiz generator

Quick start: Get started in seconds!

Ready to create microlearning quizzes from your text articles? You can start using our free tool right here on this page. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Paste Your Article: Copy and paste the text you want to turn into a quiz into the input box.

  2. Generate Questions: Click the "Generate Questions" button. Our tool will instantly analyse your text and suggest relevant microlearning questions.

  3. Share: Quickly copy out each response, and use a tool like, Ocasta Engage, to deliver the microlearning to your frontline teams.

No sign-up required. Just paste, generate, and go! Try it out now and transform your content into engaging, interactive learning experiences.

Introduction to microlearning

In today's fast-paced work environment, the need for quick and effective learning methods has never been more critical. Microlearning has emerged as a powerful tool in the Learning & Development (L&D) landscape, offering bite-sized, easily digestible content that aligns with the way modern employees learn. Unlike traditional training sessions that can be overwhelming and time-consuming, microlearning breaks down complex information into smaller, more manageable pieces. This approach not only enhances retention but also allows employees to learn at their own pace, making it an ideal solution for busy professionals.

Quizzes are a cornerstone of microlearning, providing a way to test knowledge and reinforce learning. By incorporating quizzes into microlearning, organisations can ensure that employees not only engage with the material but also retain it. However, creating effective quizzes can be time-consuming, especially when they need to be tailored to specific content. This is where our tool comes in, offering a solution that automates quiz creation, making the process faster and more efficient.

The Need for Automated Quiz Generation

Creating quizzes is an essential yet often challenging aspect of internal communications and L&D initiatives. Internal comms teams frequently need to assess whether employees have understood company updates, policy changes, or new procedures. Similarly, L&D professionals require quizzes to reinforce training materials and gauge the effectiveness of their programmes. However, generating quizzes manually can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with large volumes of content.

Time constraints are a significant issue. Internal comms and L&D teams are often stretched thin, juggling multiple responsibilities, and may not have the bandwidth to create quizzes from scratch. Additionally, ensuring consistency across quizzes can be challenging, particularly in large organisations where content needs to be standardised. Automation offers a solution to these challenges by streamlining the quiz creation process, ensuring consistency, and freeing up time for teams to focus on other critical tasks.


Our free tool is designed to simplify the process of creating microlearning quizzes from text articles. Whether you're an internal comms professional looking to test employees' understanding of a recent announcement or an L&D specialist seeking to reinforce training content, this tool can help you achieve your goals quickly and efficiently.


Our tool offers a range of benefits that make it an invaluable resource for internal comms and L&D teams:

  1. Efficiency: By automating the quiz creation process, the tool saves time and resources, allowing teams to focus on other important tasks.

  2. Consistency: The tool ensures that quizzes are consistent in quality and format, which is particularly important for large organisations.

  3. Engagement: Turning static content into interactive quizzes increases employee engagement, making learning more enjoyable and effective.

  4. Scalability: The tool is designed to be scalable, making it suitable for teams of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises.

  5. Versatility: Whether you're creating quizzes for internal communications, L&D programmes, onboarding, or continuous learning, the tool can be adapted to suit a wide range of needs.

Use Cases

The versatility of our tool makes it suitable for a variety of applications within internal comms and L&D:

  • Internal Communications: Use the tool to create quizzes that test employees' understanding of company updates, policy changes, or new procedures. This ensures that important information is not only communicated but also understood and retained.

  • L&D Programmes: Reinforce training sessions by creating quizzes that test knowledge and comprehension. This helps to ensure that employees have fully absorbed the material and are prepared to apply it in their work.

  • Onboarding: New hires can be overwhelmed with information during the onboarding process. Creating quizzes that reinforce key concepts can help them better understand and retain important company policies and procedures.

  • Continuous Learning: Support ongoing development efforts by creating quizzes that encourage employees to engage with new material regularly, keeping their skills and knowledge up to date.

Industry Trends and the Future of L&D

The landscape of L&D is rapidly evolving, with microlearning and automation playing increasingly important roles. As organisations continue to recognise the value of bite-sized learning, the demand for tools that can create and deliver microlearning content is growing. The integration of AI and automation into these tools is a natural progression, offering even greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Looking ahead, we can expect to see even more sophisticated tools that not only generate quizzes but also provide insights into learning outcomes, helping organisations to continually refine their L&D strategies. Additionally, as remote and hybrid work models become more prevalent, tools that support asynchronous learning, such as our quiz generator, will become even more valuable.

Get started

Incorporating quizzes into your internal communications and L&D programmes is a proven way to enhance engagement, retention, and understanding. Our free tool simplifies the quiz creation process, making it easier than ever to transform text articles into effective microlearning questions. Whether you're looking to reinforce training, test comprehension, or support ongoing learning efforts, this tool can help you achieve your goals.

Don't wait — start using our tool today and see the difference it can make in your team's learning and development journey.

Try Ocasta Engage

Ocasta Engage is a comms and training app that closes the knowledge gaps at your frontline.