
Make it quick and easy for employees to comply with your policies and procedures with acknowledgments. Employees can mark their consent at the touch of a button, and you can easily stay updated on who is and isn’t compliant.

Digital acknowledgements to ensure agreement and understanding

Repurpose any content in your knowledgebase as an acknowledgement. This automatically ensures your frontline has read and understood your key policies. Use it for things like FCA compliance, data protection, financial compliance or company values. 

Set them as a one-off, weekly, monthly, or yearly automatically recurring event. Your reporting gives you the knowledge of who is and who isn’t compliant across your workforce.

Employee prompts to remind employees

Your employees are busy, and sometimes important information can slip through the net. Never let an acknowledgment go unnoticed with employee prompts. 

Use them to nudge your staff and remind them of the articles they still need to acknowledge. This ensures 100% compliance and peace of mind for you. No more chasing employees up; let Engage do the hard work for you.

Acknowledgement history for easy viewing

Compliance agreements can easily get lost in a busy working environment making it difficult for everyone to know what they and haven’t agreed to. 

Acknowledgement history allows employees to see what they’ve agreed to. They can simply scroll through the list, which displays their acknowledgements and when they agreed to them. Perfect for managers who need to get up to speed with current compliance levels.

Acknowledgment timestamps to ensure accuracy

Regulatory compliance requires razor-sharp accuracy, which is why all of our acknowledgements are timestamped. You’ll have the power to see who’s agreed and the date and time they confirmed their compliance. This is a necessity for auditors and compliance managers across all retail businesses.

Reporting to get a full overview of compliance

It can be hard to keep on top of compliance in a busy frontline environment. Keep an eye on who’s letting the compliance numbers down with our full reporting suite. You’ll have the power to see who’s acknowledged what, plus a full list of outstanding acknowledgements for each user.

This makes it quick and easy to nudge employees so they comply.