Push Alerts

Charge through the noise with push alerts. Just like your favourite chat apps that you use outside of work, Engage makes it easy to grab the attention of any employee in a matter of seconds. Targeting makes it easy to notify the right people, so your messages are always relevant.

Push notifications to update your frontline team instantly

Use push notifications to reach your frontline teams no matter where they are or what they’re doing. Your alert can be displayed right on the lock screen on any mobile or tablet device, and you can target your message by location or role. This means only the right people see the message at the right time. 

Perfect for urgent messages and time-sensitive announcements.

Summary of alerts for easy updates

The home screen houses an alerts summary section which makes it quick for employees to see a roundup of the latest alerts. 

These are in chronological order, so it’s quick and easy for employees to keep up to speed. Ensure your alerts are never missed or forgotten again.

Alerts feed for updates you’ve missed

When your frontline staff are busy with customers, it can be easy for them to click an alert but forget what they’ve read. Our alerts feed ensures your critical messages are always top of mind by displaying them within a live feed. 

This means employees can easily scroll through your notifications and catch up on what they’ve missed, just like what they do on their own mobile device.

Open rate statistics to improve engagement

Track engagement in real-time and see who has and hasn’t read your alerts. This makes it easy to gauge how many of your frontline staff are updated and what actions you need to take to get the rest of your team in the loop. 

Start acting proactively rather than reactively and get the results you want even quicker.