What are Targeted Comms?

Targeted comms refer to the practice of tailoring communication messages to specific groups within an organization based on their roles, interests, locations, or any other relevant criteria. This approach ensures that the information is relevant, engaging, and actionable for the intended audience, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the communication efforts.

Why are targeted comms relevant to internal comms?

Targeted comms are highly relevant in internal communications because they help in delivering the right message to the right people at the right time. By segmenting the internal audience and customizing messages, internal comms professionals can enhance message relevance and engagement, thereby improving information retention and action.

Examples of targeted comms in internal comms

An example of targeted comms could be sending specific safety protocol updates only to the manufacturing department within a company, rather than to the entire organization. Another example is tailoring onboarding information to new hires based on their department or role, ensuring they receive only the most relevant information to their job function.

Best practices for targeted comms

Best practices include:

  • Segmenting the audience based on clear criteria such as role, department, location, or tenure.

  • Understanding the unique needs and preferences of each segment to tailor messages accordingly.

  • Utilizing the appropriate channels for each segment to ensure the messages are seen and heard.

  • Measuring the effectiveness of targeted comms to continually refine and improve the strategy.

Common challenges for targeted comms

Challenges may include:

  • Identifying the most effective criteria for segmenting the audience.

  • Managing multiple versions of messages for different segments.

  • Ensuring that targeted comms do not isolate or exclude important information from relevant parties.

Targeted comms FAQs

  1. How do you determine the criteria for segmenting your audience for targeted comms? Criteria can be based on job function, department, geographic location, or any other relevant factor that affects how a message should be tailored for maximum relevance and impact.

  2. Can targeted comms lead to information silos? If not managed carefully, there's a risk of creating information silos where important information is not shared widely enough. It's important to balance targeted comms with broad communications that keep everyone informed of critical company-wide information.

  3. What tools can help in delivering targeted comms? Internal communication platforms that offer audience segmentation features, email marketing tools with list segmentation capabilities, and intranets with personalized content delivery are all useful in executing targeted comms strategies.


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