What is Strategic Insight?

Strategic insight involves the deep understanding of a company's strategic goals and the external and internal factors that can affect these goals. It's about recognizing patterns, trends, and insights from data that can inform strategic decisions and actions. This knowledge is crucial for aligning internal communications with the broader business strategy, ensuring that messages are not only informative but also contribute to the overarching objectives of the organization.

Why are strategic insights relevant to internal comms?

Strategic insights are vital for internal communications professionals as they enable the crafting of messages that resonate with the company's vision and goals. By understanding the strategic direction, communicators can create more impactful and relevant content that aligns with the business's needs, fostering a more engaged and informed workforce.

Examples of strategic insight in internal communications

An example of strategic insight in action could be the use of employee feedback and engagement surveys to identify areas for improvement within the company. By analyzing this data, internal comms professionals can develop targeted communications strategies that address specific issues, support change management efforts, and enhance overall employee engagement.

Best practices for strategic insight

To effectively leverage strategic insight, it's important to:

  • Regularly analyze internal and external data relevant to your business.

  • Stay informed about industry trends and competitor activities.

  • Involve various departments in the strategic planning process to gain diverse perspectives.

  • Communicate strategic goals clearly and regularly to all employees.

Common challenges for strategic insight

Some common challenges include:

  • Data overload: Having too much data and not knowing what to focus on.

  • Siloed information: Key insights are trapped within specific departments.

  • Resistance to change: Difficulty in getting buy-in for new strategies based on insights.

Strategic insight FAQs

  1. How can internal comms teams gain strategic insights? By collaborating closely with departments like market research, data analytics, and strategic planning, and by using tools that analyze internal communication metrics and employee feedback.

  2. Why is it important to align internal comms with strategic insights? Alignment ensures that communications are contributing to the achievement of business objectives and that employees understand and are engaged with the company's strategic direction.

  3. Can strategic insights change over time? Yes, strategic insights are dynamic and can evolve with changes in the business environment, industry trends, and internal company developments. It's important for internal comms to adapt to these changes.


What is Strategy Communication?


What is Strategic Communication?