What is Strategic Communication?

Strategic Communication is the purposeful use of communication by an organisation to fulfill its mission and objectives. It involves the careful planning and execution of messaging and communication channels to inform, persuade, and engage various audiences, including employees, stakeholders, and the public. Strategic communication is integral to managing an organisation's reputation, supporting its goals, and facilitating change.

Why is Strategic Communication relevant to internal comms?

Strategic Communication is crucial to internal communications as it ensures that all internal messaging is aligned with the organisation's goals and strategies. It helps internal comms professionals to craft messages that support the organisation's objectives, foster employee engagement, and build a cohesive corporate culture. By employing strategic communication, internal comms can effectively manage information flow within the organisation, ensuring that employees are well-informed and motivated towards achieving common goals.

Examples of Strategic Communication in internal comms

Examples might include an internal campaign to drive awareness and adoption of a new company initiative, the strategic use of the intranet to share key updates and successes, or targeted messaging to different departments to support specific organisational objectives.

Best practices for Strategic Communication

  • Align communication strategies with the organisation's overall objectives and values.

  • Understand the needs and preferences of the target audience to tailor messages effectively.

  • Measure the impact of communication efforts to refine and improve strategies over time.

Common challenges for Strategic Communication

  • Ensuring consistency and coherence across all communication channels and messages.

  • Adapting to the dynamic nature of organisational strategies and external environments.

  • Engaging diverse internal audiences with varying needs and expectations.

What does Strategic Communication mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, Strategic Communication means receiving clear, relevant, and timely information that supports their day-to-day work and aligns with broader organisational goals. This clarity helps to enhance their effectiveness, job satisfaction, and sense of belonging within the organisation.

Strategic Communication FAQs

  1. How can internal comms develop an effective Strategic Communication plan?

    • By conducting thorough audience analysis, setting clear objectives, choosing appropriate channels, and establishing metrics for success.

  2. What role does leadership play in Strategic Communication?

    • Leadership is key to setting the tone and direction for Strategic Communication, providing the vision and support needed for effective implementation.

  3. How can technology enhance Strategic Communication?

    • Advanced communication tools and platforms can facilitate targeted messaging, real-time feedback, and analytics, supporting more dynamic and responsive Strategic Communication efforts.


What is Strategic Insight?


What are Stakeholders?