What are Stakeholders?

Stakeholders are individuals or groups with an interest in the decisions, operations, and performance of an organisation. This includes a wide range of entities, such as employees, management, shareholders, customers, suppliers, and the wider community. Stakeholders can be internal or external to the organisation, and their interests and influence can significantly impact organisational strategies and outcomes.

Why are Stakeholders relevant to internal comms?

Stakeholders are highly relevant to internal communications as they are the primary audience for communication efforts. Understanding the diverse needs and expectations of various stakeholder groups enables internal comms professionals to tailor messages effectively, ensuring clear, relevant, and engaging communication. Effective stakeholder communication is key to building trust, fostering engagement, and achieving organisational objectives.

Examples of Stakeholders in internal comms

An example might include engaging employees with regular updates about company achievements and challenges, or communicating with shareholders through annual reports and shareholder meetings. Another example could be customer newsletters that provide updates on new products or initiatives.

Best practices for Stakeholder Communication

  • Identify and prioritise stakeholder groups based on their influence and interest in the organisation.

  • Use targeted communication strategies to address the specific needs and preferences of different stakeholder groups.

  • Foster open and two-way communication channels to encourage feedback and dialogue.

Common challenges for Stakeholder Communication

  • Managing the diverse and sometimes conflicting interests of various stakeholder groups.

  • Ensuring consistent and transparent communication across all channels and touchpoints.

  • Measuring the effectiveness of communication strategies in meeting stakeholder needs.

What do Stakeholders mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, understanding and effectively communicating with relevant stakeholders, such as customers and suppliers, is crucial for day-to-day operations and overall job success. Frontline teams often serve as the face of the organisation, making their role in stakeholder communication particularly important for maintaining positive relationships and organisational reputation.

Stakeholders FAQs

  1. How can internal comms professionals effectively engage with stakeholders?

    • By developing a stakeholder engagement plan that outlines key messages, communication channels, and engagement activities tailored to the needs of different stakeholder groups.

  2. What role does leadership play in Stakeholder Communication?

    • Leadership is crucial in setting the tone for stakeholder engagement, demonstrating commitment to open and transparent communication, and leading by example.

  3. How can the impact of Stakeholder Communication be measured?

    • Through feedback surveys, engagement metrics, and analysis of stakeholder responses to communication initiatives, providing insights into the effectiveness of stakeholder engagement efforts.


What is Strategic Communication?


What is Stakeholder Communication?