What is internal social media?

Internal social media refers to platforms and tools used within an organisation to facilitate social interaction, collaboration, and information sharing among employees. These platforms allow for posting updates, sharing content, commenting, and engaging in discussions, but they are exclusive to the organisation's members. They enhance communication, foster a sense of community, and boost employee engagement by providing an informal and interactive way to connect and share knowledge.

Beyond simply mimicking external social media, internal social media platforms are tailored to align with the organisation’s specific culture, goals, and compliance requirements. They can include custom features such as project management tools, integrated knowledge bases, and AI-driven analytics to track engagement and content effectiveness. As these platforms evolve, they become more integrated with other business systems, providing a unified space for employees to manage their work and communicate.

Why is internal social media relevant to internal comms?

Internal social media is highly relevant to internal comms professionals as it represents a modern and dynamic approach to workplace communication. It supports a more open, transparent, collaborative culture, enabling real-time interaction and feedback. These platforms can significantly enhance the flow of information, break down silos, and create a more connected and engaged workforce.

As remote and hybrid working models become more prevalent, internal social media provides a vital link between dispersed teams. It keeps employees informed and allows them to participate in company culture, regardless of location. Moreover, it is a valuable tool for leadership to stay connected with employees, offering a direct line for feedback and fostering a sense of inclusivity.

Examples of internal social media in internal comms

Examples include company-specific social networks like Yammer, Workplace by Facebook, or custom intranet platforms with social features. These tools can be used for everything from sharing company news and celebrating achievements to crowd-sourcing ideas and facilitating group discussions.

  • Yammer at Accenture: Accenture uses Yammer to connect its global workforce, facilitating cross-border collaboration and enabling employees to share insights and best practices across different markets.

  • Workplace by Facebook at Walmart: Walmart implemented Workplace by Facebook to streamline communication between store associates and management, leading to faster decision-making and a more responsive customer service approach.

  • Custom Intranets: Companies like Deloitte have developed custom intranets with social features that allow for integration with project management tools, employee recognition programs, and real-time data dashboards, creating a holistic internal communication hub.

Related reading: For more on creating an engaging and collaborative communication strategy, see How to create engaging employee videos and How to ensure your frontline team learns daily.

Best practices for internal social media

Best practices involve setting clear usage guidelines, promoting a positive and respectful communication culture, and actively moderating the platforms to make sure constructive interactions. Encouraging leadership participation can also enhance credibility and engagement.

  1. Leadership Involvement: Encourage executives and managers to actively participate by posting updates, responding to employee comments, and leading discussions. This boosts engagement and demonstrates the platform’s importance to the organisation.

  2. Content Strategy: Develop a content calendar that balances formal announcements with informal content, such as employee spotlights and social events. This helps maintain a consistent level of activity and keeps employees engaged.

  3. Employee Training: Offer regular training sessions to help employees use the platform effectively, from basic navigation to advanced features like creating groups or using integrated apps.

  4. Analytics and Feedback: Monitor platform analytics regularly to understand what types of content drive engagement and gather feedback from employees to continuously improve the user experience.

Related reading: Learn more about maintaining employee engagement with internal communication tools in Why ‘just in time learning’ is your secret weapon to success.

Common challenges for internal social media

Ensuring appropriate and professional use of the platforms, maintaining user engagement over time, and measuring the impact on communication and collaboration.

  • Platform Fatigue: As employees juggle multiple communication tools, they may experience fatigue or disengagement. To combat this, ensure that the internal social media platform offers unique value and isn’t just duplicating functions available elsewhere.

  • Transition and Change Management: With platforms like Workplace by Facebook shutting down, companies face the challenge of transitioning to new tools without disrupting communication. Proper planning and clear communication are key to a smooth transition.

  • Balancing Privacy with Transparency: While transparency is important, organisations must also be vigilant about privacy, ensuring that sensitive information is protected and that employees feel safe sharing their thoughts.

Related reading: For advice on managing communication during transitions, explore How to keep communication levels strong in a large non-desk team and How to write the best internal communications.

Internal social media FAQs

Q: How do you encourage employees to use internal social media?
A: By creating engaging content, recognising active contributors, and integrating the use of these platforms into the daily workflow and company culture.

Q: Can internal social media replace email?
A: While it may not replace email entirely, it can significantly reduce email overload by providing a more efficient platform for certain types of communication and collaboration.

Q: How do you ensure security and privacy on internal social media platforms?
A: Choose platforms with robust security features, regularly review access controls, and educate employees on best practices for privacy and data protection.

Q: What should we do if our internal social media platform is shutting down?
A: Start planning the transition early if your platform is shutting down, like Workplace by Facebook. Identify an alternative platform, communicate the change to employees clearly, and offer support during the migration process. For more details, check this guide on Workplace shutdown.

Related reading: For more on how to handle communication changes, see How to motivate part-time workers and Why non-desk employees resist digital change.


What are internal social media platforms?


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