What are internal social media platforms?

Internal social media platforms are digital spaces designed for use within an organisation to facilitate social interaction, collaboration, and the sharing of information among employees. These platforms mimic the functionality of public social media networks, offering features like profiles, news feeds, posts, likes, comments, and groups, but are private and exclusive to the organisation's members. They aim to enhance internal communication, foster a strong company culture, and improve employee engagement by providing a more informal and interactive way to connect and share knowledge.

Why are internal social media platforms relevant to internal comms?

These platforms are particularly relevant to internal comms professionals as they represent a shift towards more dynamic, two-way communication within organisations. They encourage greater transparency, quicker information sharing, and stronger connections among employees, which can lead to increased innovation, collaboration, and a sense of belonging.

Examples of internal social media platforms in internal comms

Examples include Yammer, Slack, Workplace by Facebook, and Microsoft Teams. These platforms can be used to broadcast company news, celebrate achievements, facilitate project collaboration, and create interest-based groups, enhancing the social fabric of the organisation.

Best practices for internal social media platforms

Best practices include establishing clear guidelines for use, promoting a positive and inclusive communication culture, and actively moderating content to ensure it remains constructive and appropriate. Encouraging leadership to actively participate can also lend credibility and boost engagement.

Common challenges for internal social media platforms

  • Ensuring sustained engagement and participation from employees

  • Balancing informal social interactions with professional content

  • Integrating these platforms seamlessly into the organisation's existing communication ecosystem

Internal social media platforms FAQs

Q: How can we drive adoption of an internal social media platform?
A: By integrating it into daily workflows, providing regular training and support, and showcasing success stories and benefits of active participation.

Q: Are internal social media platforms secure?
A: Yes, when properly implemented with appropriate security measures, they can be secure environments for internal communication and collaboration.

Q: How do internal social media platforms differ from traditional intranets?
A: While traditional intranets often serve as static repositories of information, internal social media platforms offer more dynamic, interactive, and social features that encourage active engagement and participation.


What are internal social networks?


What is internal social media?