What are internal social networks?

Internal social networks are digital platforms used within organisations to enable social interactions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among employees. These networks mimic the functionality of external social media platforms but are private and accessible only to the members of the organisation. They facilitate a more informal, engaging, and interactive form of communication, allowing employees to post updates, share information, comment on posts, and participate in group discussions.

Why are internal social networks relevant to internal comms?

Internal social networks are highly relevant to internal comms professionals as they offer a dynamic and modern approach to fostering workplace communication and community. They encourage open dialogue, break down hierarchical and departmental barriers, and contribute to a more inclusive and connected organisational culture, which is crucial for employee engagement and innovation.

Examples of internal social networks in internal comms

Examples include platforms like Yammer, Workplace by Facebook, and Microsoft Teams, which organisations use to create a sense of community, share company news, celebrate successes, and encourage collaboration across different areas of the business.

Best practices for internal social networks

Best practices involve setting clear guidelines for use, promoting positive and respectful interactions, and ensuring content moderation to maintain a constructive environment. Encouraging active participation from all levels of the organisation, especially leadership, can also enhance the effectiveness and adoption of these platforms.

Common challenges for internal social networks

  • Encouraging consistent and meaningful engagement from employees

  • Balancing the informal nature of social interactions with professional content

  • Integrating these networks into the existing communication infrastructure

Internal social networks FAQs

Q: How can internal social networks enhance employee engagement?
A: By providing a platform for employees to share ideas, recognise peers, and engage in meaningful conversations, these networks can foster a greater sense of belonging and commitment to the organisation.

Q: What features should an internal social network have?
A: Key features include user profiles, news feeds, content sharing capabilities, group creation, messaging functions, and interactive elements like likes and comments.

Q: How do you ensure privacy and security on internal social networks?
A: By choosing platforms with robust security features, regularly updating privacy settings, and educating employees on responsible use and best practices for data protection.


What is an intranet?


What are internal social media platforms?