What is an intranet?

An intranet is a private, secured network used within an organisation to facilitate communication, collaboration, and information sharing among employees. It serves as a central hub where staff can access company resources, news updates, and internal systems, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Why is an intranet relevant to internal comms?

Intranets play a crucial role in internal communications by providing a unified platform for disseminating information, fostering a collaborative culture, and streamlining workflows. They are instrumental in connecting dispersed teams, ensuring that everyone stays informed about organisational developments and initiatives.

Examples of an intranet in internal comms

Intranets can host a variety of content, from HR policies and training materials to social forums and project collaboration spaces. They might feature internal blogs, company announcements, and event calendars, acting as a one-stop-shop for all internal communication needs.

Best practices for an intranet

To maximise the effectiveness of an intranet, ensure it is user-friendly, regularly updated, and reflective of the organisation's culture. Encourage engagement by enabling interactive features like forums, feedback channels, and personalisation options.

Common challenges for an intranet

Common challenges include maintaining up-to-date content, ensuring high user adoption rates, and integrating with existing IT infrastructure. It's crucial to address these challenges to keep the intranet relevant and useful.

What does an intranet mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, an intranet provides immediate access to vital information and tools needed for their daily tasks, regardless of their location. It's especially beneficial for keeping these teams connected to the broader organisational community and updates.

Intranet FAQs

  • How does an intranet differ from the internet?

    • An intranet is a private network accessible only to an organisation's members, whereas the internet is public.

  • Can intranets be accessed remotely?

    • Yes, with proper security measures, employees can access intranets remotely.

  • How can we ensure our intranet is secure?

    • Implement strong access controls, encryption, and regular security audits.


What is Knowledge Management?


What are internal social networks?