What is an internal newsletter?

An internal newsletter is a regular publication distributed within an organisation to keep employees informed about company news, updates, events, and other relevant information. It serves as a tool to engage staff, celebrate achievements, and reinforce the company culture and values. Newsletters can be digital or printed, and they often include a mix of content such as executive messages, project updates, employee spotlights, and upcoming events.

Why is an internal newsletter relevant to internal comms?

Internal newsletters are a cornerstone of effective internal communications strategies. They provide a consistent and accessible platform for sharing important information and fostering a sense of community within the organisation. By highlighting success stories and key initiatives, newsletters can boost morale, encourage collaboration, and keep everyone aligned with the company's goals.

Examples of an internal newsletter in internal comms

Examples include a monthly digital newsletter featuring a message from the CEO, updates on various departmental projects, recognition of employee milestones, and a calendar of upcoming company events. Such newsletters can help bridge the gap between different levels and departments within the organisation.

Best practices for an internal newsletter

Best practices include ensuring the content is relevant and engaging, maintaining a regular distribution schedule, and incorporating a variety of content types to appeal to a broad audience. It's also important to encourage feedback and contributions from employees to increase engagement and relevance.

Common challenges for an internal newsletter

  • Capturing and maintaining the interest of a diverse workforce

  • Balancing informational content with engaging and interactive elements

  • Measuring the impact and effectiveness of the newsletter

Internal newsletter FAQs

Q: How often should an internal newsletter be distributed?
A: The frequency can vary depending on the organisation's size and needs but typically ranges from weekly to monthly.

Q: What makes an effective internal newsletter?
A: Effective newsletters are timely, relevant, visually appealing, and tailored to the interests and needs of the workforce.

Q: Can employees contribute to the internal newsletter?
A: Yes, encouraging employee contributions can enhance the newsletter's relevance and foster a stronger sense of community.


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