What are internal memos?

Internal memos are written communications used within an organisation to convey information, policies, updates, or directives to employees. They are typically concise and focused, designed to communicate specific information in a clear and direct manner. Memos can be distributed in physical or digital format and are an essential tool for internal communication.

Why are internal memos relevant to internal comms?

Internal memos are a fundamental component of internal communications as they provide a formal method for disseminating important information efficiently. They are particularly useful for official announcements, policy changes, or providing clarity on organisational procedures, ensuring that all employees receive consistent and accurate information.

Examples of internal memos in internal comms

Examples include a memo from HR outlining a new leave policy, a memo from IT detailing a cybersecurity update, or a memo from leadership announcing organisational changes. These memos serve to inform, instruct, or clarify important issues for employees.

Best practices for internal memos

Best practices include keeping the language clear and concise, using a logical structure, ensuring the purpose of the memo is evident from the beginning, and indicating any required action by the recipients. It's also important to consider the timing of distribution to maximise relevance and impact.

Common challenges for internal memos

  • Ensuring the memo is read and understood by all intended recipients

  • Avoiding information overload or memo fatigue

  • Maintaining engagement with a format perceived as formal or outdated

Internal memos FAQs

Q: How should an internal memo be structured?
A: Typically, a memo should include a clear heading, an introduction to the purpose, the main body of information, and a conclusion or call to action.

Q: What differentiates a memo from an email?
A: Memos are generally more formal than emails and are used for internal communication of significant or official information, whereas emails can be used for a broader range of more informal or conversational purposes.

Q: How can we ensure that memos are effective in communication?
A: By ensuring clarity of message, relevance to the audience, and a clear indication of any required actions or responses.


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