What are internal events?

Internal events refer to activities and gatherings organised within an organisation for its employees. These can range from formal meetings, training sessions, and conferences to more informal social gatherings, team-building exercises, and celebratory events. The primary goal is to foster communication, collaboration, and a sense of community among employees, aligning them with the company's values and objectives.

Why are internal events relevant to internal comms?

Internal events play a crucial role in internal communications as they provide a platform for direct interaction, information sharing, and engagement among employees. They help in reinforcing organisational culture, facilitating learning and development, and boosting employee morale and engagement.

Examples of internal events in internal comms

Examples include annual company-wide meetings, departmental off-sites, internal awards ceremonies, and holiday parties. These events offer opportunities for leadership to communicate key messages and for employees to connect and engage with one another and the broader organisation.

Best practices for internal events

Best practices include clear communication about the event's purpose and logistics, ensuring the content and activities are relevant and engaging for the audience, and gathering feedback post-event to inform future planning. Inclusivity and accessibility should also be considered to ensure all employees can participate.

Common challenges for internal events

  • Coordinating logistics for large or distributed teams

  • Ensuring content is engaging and relevant for diverse audiences

  • Measuring the impact of events on employee engagement and communication

Internal events FAQs

Q: How can internal events improve internal communication?
A: By providing a platform for face-to-face interaction, facilitating open dialogue, and allowing for real-time feedback and engagement.

Q: What are some key elements to consider when planning an internal event?
A: Objectives, audience, content, format, logistics, and follow-up are all critical elements for successful internal event planning.

Q: How can we ensure high attendance and engagement at internal events?
A: Offer compelling and relevant content, consider timing and accessibility, communicate the benefits of attendance, and incorporate interactive elements.


What are internal memos?


What does IC stand for?