What is Internal Communication Measurement?

Internal Communication Measurement refers to the process of evaluating the effectiveness and impact of an organisation's internal communications. This involves assessing various aspects such as reach, engagement, message clarity, and alignment with organisational objectives. Effective measurement helps organisations understand how well they are connecting with employees, identifies areas for improvement, and informs future communication strategies.

Why is internal communication measurement relevant to internal comms?

Measuring internal communications is crucial for internal comms professionals as it provides tangible data on the success of communication efforts. It enables organisations to make evidence-based decisions, optimise communication channels and strategies, and ultimately enhance employee engagement and organisational performance. Without measurement, it's challenging to gauge the true impact of internal communications and justify investments in this area.

Examples of Internal Communication Measurement in internal comms

  • Employee Surveys and Polls: Collecting feedback directly from employees about their perceptions and satisfaction with internal communications.

  • Engagement Metrics: Tracking metrics such as email open rates, intranet page views, and participation in online forums or chats.

  • Focus Groups: Conducting discussions with small groups of employees to gain deeper insights into the effectiveness of communication strategies.

Best practices for Internal Communication Measurement

  • Set Clear Objectives: Define what you aim to measure based on your communication goals, whether it's awareness, understanding, engagement, or behaviour change.

  • Use a Mix of Methods: Combine quantitative and qualitative methods to get a comprehensive view of your internal communication's effectiveness.

  • Benchmark and Track Over Time: Establish baseline measurements and track changes over time to assess progress and the impact of specific initiatives.

  • Act on Insights: Use the findings to make informed decisions about how to improve internal communication strategies and tactics.

Common challenges for Internal Communication Measurement

  • Attributing Outcomes: Determining the direct impact of internal communications on broader organisational outcomes can be challenging.

  • Employee Survey Fatigue: Managing the frequency of surveys and polls to ensure high participation rates without overwhelming employees.

  • Data Integration: Consolidating data from various sources and channels to form a coherent picture of overall communication effectiveness.

What does Internal Communication Measurement mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, effective internal communication measurement can highlight specific information needs, preferences, and engagement levels, informing tailored strategies that enhance their connection to the organisation. Understanding the impact of communications on these teams is crucial, given their direct role in service delivery and customer interaction.

Internal Communication Measurement FAQs

Q: How often should internal communications be measured? A: The frequency can vary based on the organisation's size, the pace of change, and the specific communication initiatives underway. Regular pulse checks combined with more comprehensive annual evaluations can provide ongoing insights without causing survey fatigue.

Q: What tools can be used for measuring internal communications? A: Tools can range from built-in analytics in email and intranet platforms to specialised survey software and employee feedback apps.

Q: Can employee behaviour change be measured as part of internal communication measurement? A: Yes, observing changes in employee behaviour or performance can be a valuable indicator of the effectiveness of internal communications, especially when linked to specific campaigns or initiatives.

More info about Internal Communication Measurement

For those looking to delve deeper into internal communication measurement, exploring case studies, industry benchmarks, and analytical tools can offer valuable insights into effective measurement practices and how to apply them within your organisation.


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