What are Internal Communication Guidelines?

Internal Communication Guidelines are a set of principles and standards that outline how information should be communicated within an organisation. These guidelines cover aspects such as tone, style, frequency, and the appropriate use of different communication channels. They are designed to ensure consistency, clarity, and effectiveness in all internal communications, helping to maintain a cohesive brand voice and foster a positive organisational culture.

Why are internal communication guidelines relevant to internal comms?

Internal communication guidelines are essential for internal comms professionals as they provide a framework for consistent and effective communication across the organisation. By establishing clear guidelines, organisations can avoid misunderstandings, ensure messages are aligned with corporate values, and enhance the overall efficiency of internal communications. These guidelines also support employees in understanding how to communicate appropriately within the professional setting, contributing to a more harmonious and productive workplace.

Examples of Internal Communication Guidelines in internal comms

  • Brand and Tone of Voice: Instructions on the language, tone, and style that reflect the organisation's brand and values.

  • Channel Usage: Guidelines on which communication channels to use for different types of messages and audiences.

  • Content Approval Processes: Procedures for reviewing and approving content before it is disseminated to ensure accuracy and appropriateness.

  • Crisis Communication: Protocols for communicating during emergencies or sensitive situations to ensure timely, coordinated, and sensitive messaging.

Best practices for Internal Communication Guidelines

  • Accessibility: Make the guidelines easily accessible to all employees, ensuring they are aware of and can refer to them when needed.

  • Training and Support: Provide training sessions or resources to help employees understand and apply the guidelines effectively.

  • Regular Updates: Review and update the guidelines regularly to reflect changes in the organisation, communication technologies, and best practices.

  • Feedback Mechanism: Encourage feedback from employees on the guidelines to identify areas for improvement and ensure they remain relevant and useful.

Common challenges for Internal Communication Guidelines

  • Adoption and Awareness: Ensuring all employees are aware of and adhere to the communication guidelines.

  • Flexibility vs. Consistency: Balancing the need for consistent communication with the flexibility to adapt to different situations and audiences.

  • Over-Regulation: Avoiding overly prescriptive guidelines that may stifle creativity and spontaneous communication.

What do Internal Communication Guidelines mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, clear internal communication guidelines are especially important as they often interact directly with customers and represent the brand externally. These guidelines can help ensure that frontline employees communicate in a manner that is consistent with organisational values, enhancing both internal cohesion and the external perception of the organisation.

Internal Communication Guidelines FAQs

Q: How should internal communication guidelines be developed? A: Guidelines should be developed collaboratively, involving input from various stakeholders, including internal comms professionals, HR, legal, and representatives from different departments to ensure they are comprehensive and applicable across the organisation.

Q: How can we ensure compliance with internal communication guidelines? A: Promote compliance by integrating the guidelines into onboarding processes, providing regular training, and incorporating them into the performance review process.

Q: What role do leaders play in enforcing internal communication guidelines? A: Leaders play a crucial role by modelling adherence to the guidelines, reinforcing their importance, and ensuring their teams understand and follow them.

More info about Internal Communication Guidelines

For those interested in developing or refining their internal communication guidelines, exploring best practices in corporate communications, seeking expert advice, and reviewing case studies can provide valuable insights and guidance.


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