What is Comms visibility?

Comms visibility refers to the extent to which internal communications are noticeable, accessible, and engaging to all employees within an organisation. It involves ensuring that communications are not only sent but also seen and acknowledged by the intended audience. This concept is critical in ensuring that important messages reach all employees, fostering an informed and engaged workforce.

Why is Comms visibility relevant to internal comms?

Comms visibility is crucial for internal communications professionals as it directly impacts the effectiveness of communication strategies. High visibility ensures that important information is disseminated throughout the organisation, aiding in alignment with company goals, enhancing employee engagement, and promoting a culture of transparency.

Examples of Comms visibility in internal comms

An example of Comms visibility could be the implementation of digital signage in common areas displaying important announcements, updates, and recognitions. Another example might be the use of an internal communications platform that sends notifications to employees' mobile devices to ensure messages are seen, even by those not at their desks.

Best practices for Comms visibility

  • Use a mix of communication channels to cater to different preferences and work situations.

  • Regularly measure and analyse the reach and engagement levels of your communications to adjust strategies accordingly.

  • Make communications visually appealing and easily digestible to capture attention.

Common challenges for Comms visibility

  • Information overload leading to important messages being overlooked

  • Remote or non-desk employees being harder to reach

  • Varying employee preferences for communication channels

What does Comms visibility mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, Comms visibility means ensuring that critical information and updates are effectively communicated to staff who may not have regular access to traditional communication channels like email. This could involve the use of mobile communication apps, SMS alerts, or physical bulletin boards in strategic locations.

Comms visibility FAQs

  1. How can you improve Comms visibility in a large organisation?

    • Tailor communication strategies to different employee groups and use analytics to monitor and improve reach and engagement.

  2. What role does technology play in Comms visibility?

    • Technology offers innovative solutions to enhance visibility through various platforms and tools that cater to the diverse needs of an organisation's workforce.

  3. How can employee feedback improve Comms visibility?

    • Gathering and acting on employee feedback can help identify gaps in communication reach and engagement, leading to more effective strategies.


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