What is the Communication maturity journey?

The Communication maturity journey refers to the evolutionary process through which an organisation's internal communications strategies and practices develop over time. This journey typically moves from basic, ad-hoc communication methods to more sophisticated, integrated, and strategic approaches that are aligned with the organisation's goals and employee needs.

Why is the Communication maturity journey relevant to internal comms?

Understanding the Communication maturity journey is essential for internal comms professionals as it helps in identifying the current state of an organisation's communications practices and in planning the steps needed to advance to higher levels of maturity. This journey is crucial for enhancing employee engagement, improving organisational culture, and achieving strategic business outcomes through effective communication.

Examples of the Communication maturity journey in internal comms

An example of the Communication maturity journey could start with an organisation initially relying on informal, unstructured communications, such as word-of-mouth and physical notice boards. As the organisation matures, it might adopt email newsletters and intranet posts, moving towards more advanced stages that include integrated digital platforms, data-driven insights, and personalised employee communication experiences.

Best practices for advancing on the Communication maturity journey

  • Conduct regular assessments to understand the current maturity level of internal communications.

  • Develop a clear, strategic plan with objectives, timelines, and milestones for advancing communication maturity.

  • Invest in training and tools that support more sophisticated communication strategies.

Common challenges on the Communication maturity journey

  • Resistance to change from established communication habits

  • Aligning communication strategies with broader organisational goals

  • Measuring the impact and effectiveness of communication initiatives

What does the Communication maturity journey mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, advancing on the Communication maturity journey means moving towards more effective and efficient ways of receiving, understanding, and acting on organisational communications. It involves ensuring that these teams, who often have direct contact with customers, are fully informed, engaged, and aligned with the company's goals and values.

Communication maturity journey FAQs

  1. How do you assess an organisation's communication maturity level?

    • Assessment can be done through audits of current communication practices, employee surveys, and benchmarking against industry standards.

  2. What are the indicators of a mature communication strategy?

    • Indicators include personalised communications, high employee engagement levels, integrated communication tools, and data-driven decision-making.

  3. How can internal comms professionals support the organisation's journey?

    • By being strategic advisors, advocating for investment in communication tools and training, and continually evaluating and adjusting communication practices.


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