What is business purpose?

Business purpose is the driving force behind why a company exists. It's more than just the products or services offered; it's about the positive change or value the company aims to contribute to society. This purpose is what motivates employees, attracts customers, and guides strategic decisions.

Why is business purpose relevant to internal comms?

A clearly defined business purpose is crucial for internal communications as it provides employees with a sense of meaning and direction. When employees understand and align with the business purpose, they are more engaged, motivated, and committed to their work, leading to a more cohesive and productive organisational culture.

Examples of business purpose in internal comms

An example could be a technology firm that defines its purpose as "empowering people through innovation." This purpose would be communicated internally through initiatives that encourage creative thinking, recognising contributions that align with this purpose, and fostering a culture that celebrates innovation.

Best practices for business purpose

Best practices include articulating a clear and compelling purpose statement, integrating this purpose into all aspects of internal communications, and ensuring leadership demonstrates commitment to the purpose through their actions and decisions.

Common challenges for business purpose

Challenges might include ensuring the purpose resonates with all employees, maintaining alignment with the purpose as the company evolves, and measuring the impact of the purpose on employee engagement and company performance.

A strong and resonant business purpose is essential for fostering a motivated and aligned workforce, driving meaningful internal communications, and building a strong organisational identity.


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