What is a business mission?

A business mission is a concise declaration that outlines the fundamental purpose of an organisation. It serves as a guiding star for the company's strategic planning, decision-making, and operational activities, encapsulating what the company exists to achieve and the core principles that drive its operations.

What is a business mission? Internal Communications Explained

A business mission statement articulates the overarching goal and raison d'ĂȘtre of a company. It conveys the essence of what the company stands for, its target market, the key services or products it offers, and its unique value proposition. This statement is crucial for aligning the company's internal strategies with its external actions and communications.

Why is a business mission relevant to internal comms?

The relevance of a business mission to internal communications lies in its power to unify and motivate employees towards a common goal. It ensures that all members of the organisation are aligned with its core objectives and values, facilitating a coherent and focused approach to achieving business success.

Examples of a business mission in internal comms

An example of a business mission in practice could be a technology company stating its commitment to innovating solutions that simplify people's lives. This mission would be communicated internally through various channels, inspiring product development teams, marketing strategies, and customer service policies.

Best practices for a business mission

Effective business missions are clear, memorable, and inspiring. They should be regularly communicated and reinforced through internal communications, leadership speeches, onboarding processes, and corporate literature to ensure they remain at the forefront of employees' minds.

Common challenges for a business mission

One of the main challenges is ensuring that the mission remains relevant and resonant with both employees and the broader market as the company evolves. Additionally, translating the high-level language of a mission statement into actionable daily activities and goals can be complex.

A well-articulated and embraced business mission is foundational for driving organisational alignment, guiding internal communications, and fostering a sense of shared purpose and direction among employees.


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