What is an internal communication team?

An internal communication team is a group within an organisation responsible for managing, strategising, and executing communication efforts among employees. This team ensures that information flow is consistent, engaging, and aligns with the company's objectives, thereby fostering a positive organisational culture and an informed workforce.

Why is an internal communication team relevant to internal comms?

For professionals in internal comms, this team is crucial as it serves as the central hub for all communication activities. It plays a key role in crafting messages, selecting channels, and measuring the impact of communication strategies, ensuring that employees are well-informed and engaged with the company's vision and goals.

Examples of an internal communication team in internal comms

An example could be a team organising a company-wide town hall meeting, where they coordinate logistics, content, and feedback collection. This showcases the team's role in facilitating direct communication between leadership and employees, enhancing transparency and trust.

Best practices for an internal communication team

Effective practices include maintaining a diverse team with a range of skills, from strategic planning to creative content creation. The team should also prioritise two-way communication, encouraging feedback from employees to continuously improve communication efforts.

Common challenges for an internal communication team

  • Ensuring messages are consistent and aligned with company values

  • Engaging a diverse and potentially geographically dispersed workforce

  • Measuring the effectiveness of communication initiatives

Internal communication team FAQs

Q: How can an internal communication team improve employee engagement?
A: By delivering clear, relevant, and engaging content that resonates with employees, encouraging interaction and feedback.

Q: What skills are essential for an internal communication team?
A: Skills such as strategic planning, content creation, digital communication proficiency, and the ability to measure and analyse communication impact are crucial.

Q: How does an internal communication team stay aligned with organisational goals?
A: Regular collaboration with leadership and other departments ensures that communication strategies support and align with overall business objectives.


What are internal communication tools?


What are internal communication systems?