What are internal communication tools?

Internal communication tools are the various platforms, software, and technologies used to facilitate communication within an organisation. These tools can include email, intranets, instant messaging apps, collaboration platforms, social networks, and video conferencing software. They serve to streamline communication, enhance collaboration, and ensure that all employees are informed and engaged.

Why are internal communication tools relevant to internal comms?

For internal comms professionals, these tools are essential as they directly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of communication within the organisation. They enable timely and transparent sharing of information, fostering a culture of openness and collaboration that is crucial for employee engagement and organisational success.

Examples of internal communication tools in internal comms

Examples include email for formal communications, company intranets for centralising information and resources, Slack for real-time messaging and collaboration, and Microsoft Teams for video conferencing and project collaboration. Each tool serves specific communication needs, from broad announcements to collaborative team projects.

Best practices for internal communication tools

Best practices involve choosing tools that align with your organisation's communication needs and culture, providing training to ensure effective use, and regularly assessing tool effectiveness to make necessary adjustments. Encouraging feedback from employees on their preferences and experiences with these tools is also key.

Common challenges for internal communication tools

  • Ensuring widespread adoption and consistent use across the organisation

  • Integrating different tools for a seamless communication experience

  • Keeping up with the rapid evolution of communication technologies

Internal communication tools FAQs

Q: How do you ensure the effective use of internal communication tools?
A: Provide clear guidelines on the purpose and best practices for each tool, offer regular training, and encourage feedback to continually improve the communication ecosystem.

Q: How can we choose the right communication tools for our organisation?
A: Assess your communication needs, consider employee preferences and working styles, and evaluate the tools' features, scalability, and integration capabilities.

Q: What's the role of internal communication tools in remote work?
A: They are crucial for maintaining connectivity, collaboration, and a sense of community among remote teams, ensuring that distance does not hinder effective communication and collaboration.


What are internal communication tools and software?


What is an internal communication team?