What are internal communication tools and software?

Internal communication tools and software encompass the digital platforms, applications, and technologies designed to facilitate effective communication within an organisation. These tools range from email and intranets to more sophisticated collaboration platforms, instant messaging apps, social networking tools, and video conferencing software. They are essential for sharing information, fostering collaboration, and building an engaged and informed workforce.

Why are internal communication tools and software relevant to internal comms?

These tools and software are fundamental for internal comms professionals as they provide the infrastructure that supports streamlined and efficient communication processes. They enable the delivery of targeted messages, encourage two-way communication, and support the overall strategy of keeping employees connected, engaged, and aligned with the organisation's objectives.

Examples of internal communication tools and software in internal comms

Examples include Microsoft Teams for collaboration and video conferencing, Slack for real-time messaging and team collaboration, an intranet platform like SharePoint for centralising company information and resources, and Yammer for creating a social networking environment that encourages employee interaction and engagement.

Best practices for internal communication tools and software

When implementing these tools and software, it's important to ensure they align with the organisation's communication needs and culture. Providing adequate training, ensuring user-friendliness, and offering support are key to encouraging adoption. Regularly gathering feedback and monitoring usage can also help in optimising their effectiveness.

Common challenges for internal communication tools and software

  • Ensuring compatibility and integration with existing systems

  • Managing information overload and ensuring message relevance

  • Maintaining security and confidentiality of information

Internal communication tools and software FAQs

Q: How do you choose the right internal communication tools and software for your organisation?
A: Assess your communication goals, employee needs, and technical infrastructure. Consider scalability, security, user experience, and integration capabilities with existing tools.

Q: How can internal communication tools and software improve employee engagement?
A: By facilitating easy access to information, encouraging collaboration and social interaction, and providing channels for feedback, these tools can significantly enhance employee engagement.

Q: What are the latest trends in internal communication tools and software?
A: Trends include the increasing use of AI for personalised communication, the integration of work and communication platforms, and the adoption of mobile-first approaches to cater to a dispersed workforce.


What is internal communication training?


What are internal communication tools?