What is internal communication training?

Internal communication training is a tailored program designed to enhance the communication skills of employees within an organisation. It focuses on improving the ways in which information is shared, received, and understood among team members, aiming to boost efficiency, collaboration, and engagement. Training can cover a range of topics, from effective writing and speaking to active listening and digital communication tools usage.

Why is internal communication training relevant to internal comms?

For internal comms professionals, such training is pivotal as it directly influences the clarity, effectiveness, and impact of internal messaging. It equips employees with the necessary skills to communicate more effectively, fostering a culture of open dialogue and mutual understanding, which is essential for a cohesive workplace environment.

Examples of internal communication training in internal comms

Real-world examples include workshops on writing clear and concise emails, team-building exercises that focus on verbal communication and active listening, and training sessions on how to use internal communication platforms effectively.

Best practices for internal communication training

Effective practices include ensuring training is accessible and relevant to all employees, incorporating interactive and practical elements, and providing ongoing support and resources. Tailoring training to address specific communication challenges within the organisation can also enhance its impact.

Common challenges for internal communication training

  • Engaging employees in training and ensuring practical application

  • Measuring the impact of training on communication effectiveness

  • Adapting training to suit diverse roles and communication needs

Internal communication training FAQs

Q: How often should internal communication training be conducted?
A: Regularly, with refresher sessions to address new communication tools or changes in organisational structure.

Q: Who should attend internal communication training?
A: All employees, with specialised sessions for leadership and teams with specific communication needs.

Q: Can internal communication training be done online?
A: Yes, online training platforms can offer flexible and interactive learning experiences, making it accessible to remote and office-based employees alike.


What are internal communication training programs?


What are internal communication tools and software?