What is the Communication Mix?

The Communication Mix in the context of internal communications refers to the combination of channels, tools, and strategies an organisation employs to facilitate effective communication within its workforce. It encompasses various forms of communication such as emails, intranet, meetings, social media, newsletters, and face-to-face interactions, tailored to meet the diverse needs and preferences of employees.

Why is the Communication Mix relevant to internal comms?

The relevance of the Communication Mix to internal communications lies in its ability to reach and engage employees across different levels and locations within the organisation. A well-crafted mix ensures that important messages are effectively disseminated, fostering a culture of transparency, collaboration, and inclusion, which is vital for employee engagement and organisational success.

Examples of the Communication Mix in internal comms

An example of the Communication Mix in action could include a combination of weekly email newsletters for company-wide updates, regular team meetings for more in-depth discussions, an intranet portal for resource sharing and collaboration, and social media groups for informal interactions and community building among employees.

Best practices for the Communication Mix

  • Tailor the mix to the specific needs and preferences of your audience, considering factors like demographics, job roles, and locations.

  • Ensure consistency in messaging across all channels to avoid confusion and maintain organisational alignment.

  • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your communication mix and be open to adjustments and the incorporation of new tools and channels.

Common challenges for the Communication Mix

  • Balancing the use of digital and traditional communication methods to suit diverse employee preferences.

  • Managing information overload by ensuring communications are targeted and relevant.

  • Keeping up with rapid technological changes and integrating new communication tools effectively.

What does the Communication Mix mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, a well-balanced Communication Mix is crucial for ensuring they receive timely and relevant information, despite potentially limited access to traditional communication channels like email or intranet. Tailoring the mix to include more accessible tools such as mobile apps or SMS can significantly enhance engagement and information flow for these teams.

Communication Mix FAQs

  1. How can you determine the most effective Communication Mix for your organisation?

    • Assess the communication preferences and needs of your employees, consider the nature of your messages, and evaluate the success of current communication channels.

  2. What role does feedback play in optimising the Communication Mix?

    • Feedback allows you to understand how well different channels and messages are being received and provides insights for improving your communication strategy.

  3. How can the Communication Mix evolve with a growing organisation?

    • As the organisation grows, its communication needs may change, requiring regular review and adaptation of the communication mix to include new tools and channels that better suit its evolving needs.


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