What is a Communication Plan?

A Communication Plan is a strategic document that outlines an organisation's internal communication objectives, key messages, target audiences, communication channels, timelines, and metrics for evaluation. It serves as a roadmap for how information will be disseminated throughout the organisation to ensure all employees are informed, engaged, and aligned with the company's goals and values.

Why is a Communication Plan relevant to internal comms?

A Communication Plan is fundamental to internal communications as it provides a structured approach to managing and coordinating effective communication. It helps to ensure consistency in messaging, optimises resource use, and enhances the overall impact of communication efforts on employee engagement and organisational culture.

Examples of a Communication Plan in internal comms

An example of a Communication Plan could involve outlining the strategy for a change management initiative, detailing how information about the changes will be communicated to different employee groups, the channels that will be used (e.g., emails, town hall meetings, intranet updates), and how feedback will be collected and addressed.

Best practices for a Communication Plan

  • Start with clear objectives that align with your organisation's goals and internal comms strategy.

  • Identify and understand your target audience to tailor messages appropriately.

  • Choose the right mix of communication channels based on the audience's preferences and the nature of the message.

  • Set measurable goals to evaluate the effectiveness of your communication efforts.

Common challenges for a Communication Plan

  • Ensuring the plan remains flexible to adapt to unexpected changes or feedback.

  • Maintaining engagement and avoiding information overload among employees.

  • Measuring the impact of communication efforts accurately and meaningfully.

What does a Communication Plan mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, a well-crafted Communication Plan means receiving timely, relevant, and clear information that supports their day-to-day operations and integrates their feedback into the broader organisational dialogue. It ensures that these teams, often the face of the company to customers, are well-informed and aligned with the company's objectives.

Communication Plan FAQs

  1. How often should a Communication Plan be reviewed and updated?

    • Regularly review and update the plan to reflect changes in organisational priorities, employee feedback, and the effectiveness of current communication strategies.

  2. Who should be involved in creating a Communication Plan?

    • Involve a cross-functional team including internal comms, HR, department leads, and representation from frontline teams to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive approach.

  3. What are some key components of an effective Communication Plan?

    • Clear objectives, targeted messaging, strategic channel selection, a timeline of activities, and defined metrics for evaluation are key components.


Communication Skills Workshops


What is the Communication Mix?