What is ROI?

Return on Investment (ROI) is a financial metric used to evaluate the efficiency and profitability of an investment. In the context of internal communications, ROI measures the benefits gained from communication strategies against the costs involved in implementing them. This evaluation helps organizations understand the value that effective internal communications bring, such as improved employee engagement, higher productivity, and better alignment with corporate goals.

Why is ROI relevant to internal comms?

Understanding ROI in internal communications is crucial for justifying the budget and resources allocated to communication initiatives. It demonstrates the tangible outcomes of effective communication, such as reduced turnover rates, improved employee morale, and increased collaboration, which directly contribute to the organization's success.

Examples of ROI in internal comms

A notable example could include the implementation of a new internal communications platform that leads to a measurable increase in employee engagement scores, resulting in higher productivity and reduced absenteeism. The cost of the platform versus the financial gains from these improvements represents the ROI.

Best practices for measuring ROI in internal communications

  1. Set clear objectives for your internal communication strategies.

  2. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) linked to these objectives.

  3. Collect baseline data before implementing new communication initiatives.

  4. Measure the changes post-implementation and compare them against the costs.

  5. Use surveys, employee feedback, and productivity metrics to gauge impact.

Common challenges for measuring ROI

  • Quantifying qualitative benefits such as employee morale or satisfaction.

  • Establishing a direct link between communication initiatives and business outcomes.

  • Collecting consistent and reliable data for accurate measurement.


Q: How do you calculate ROI in internal communications? A: ROI is typically calculated by subtracting the cost of the investment from the gain, divided by the cost of the investment, and then multiplied by 100 to get a percentage.

Q: Can ROI always be measured in financial terms? A: While ROI is often financial, in internal comms, it can also be measured in terms of engagement levels, employee satisfaction, and other non-financial metrics.

Q: How often should ROI be measured? A: The frequency can vary, but it's essential to measure ROI at regular intervals to assess the ongoing effectiveness of communication strategies.


What are KPIs in Internal Communications?


What is a Learning Management System (LMS)?