What is microlearning?

Microlearning refers to a strategy in education and training that delivers content in small, specific bursts, focusing on short-term learning activities and targeted learning objectives. It's an approach that makes learning more manageable and digestible for learners, often leveraging multimedia formats like short videos, quizzes, infographics, and interactive modules.

Why is microlearning relevant to internal comms?

Microlearning is highly relevant to internal communications as it aligns with the modern workforce's preference for quick, accessible, and relevant content. It can enhance employee engagement and retention of information by fitting learning into the busy schedules of employees, making it a practical tool for ongoing development, compliance training, and disseminating important company updates.

Examples of microlearning in internal comms

Examples could include a series of short instructional videos on a new company policy, interactive e-learning modules for software training, or quick quizzes to reinforce key messages from a recent internal campaign.

Best practices for microlearning

Key best practices include:

  • Keeping content concise and focused on a single learning objective.

  • Using engaging and interactive formats to maintain learner interest.

  • Integrating microlearning into the flow of work, making it easily accessible.

  • Regularly updating content to keep it relevant and engaging.

Common challenges for microlearning

Challenges may involve:

  • Distilling complex topics into bite-sized pieces without oversimplifying.

  • Ensuring consistent engagement from employees with varied learning preferences.

  • Measuring the effectiveness and impact of microlearning initiatives.

Microlearning FAQs

  1. How can microlearning be effectively integrated into internal comms strategies? By aligning microlearning content with internal communication goals and incorporating it into regular communication channels such as intranets, newsletters, or messaging platforms.

  2. What makes microlearning effective for today's workforce? Its flexibility, accessibility, and alignment with the preference for on-demand, just-in-time information make it well-suited to the needs and habits of modern employees.

  3. Can microlearning replace traditional training methods? While microlearning can complement traditional training, it's best used for reinforcing concepts, providing refreshers, or introducing new topics rather than replacing in-depth training programs.


What is a Learning Management System (LMS)?


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