What is eNPS?

eNPS, or Employee Net Promoter Score, is a metric used to assess employee loyalty and overall sentiment towards the company. It's derived from asking employees a single question: "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend this company as a place to work?" Based on their responses, employees are categorized as Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), or Detractors (0-6). The eNPS is then calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.

Why is eNPS relevant to internal comms?

eNPS is highly relevant to internal communications professionals as it provides a clear, quantitative measure of employee engagement and satisfaction. Understanding employee sentiment through eNPS can inform and guide internal communication strategies, helping to address areas of concern, reinforce positive aspects of the company culture, and ultimately improve employee engagement and loyalty.

Examples of eNPS in internal comms

An example of eNPS application in internal comms could involve conducting regular eNPS surveys to gauge employee sentiment. The insights gained could then shape targeted communication initiatives, such as addressing specific concerns raised by Detractors or amplifying the positive experiences shared by Promoters through internal success stories and testimonials.

Best practices for eNPS

Best practices for leveraging eNPS in internal communications include:

  • Regularly conducting eNPS surveys to monitor employee sentiment over time.

  • Ensuring anonymity to encourage honest feedback.

  • Communicating the purpose and importance of the eNPS survey to employees.

  • Acting on the feedback received by implementing targeted improvements and openly discussing action plans and progress.

Common challenges for eNPS

Challenges might include:

  • Encouraging high participation rates to ensure the data is representative.

  • Interpreting the results and understanding the reasons behind the scores.

  • Turning feedback into actionable insights and tangible improvements.


  1. How often should eNPS surveys be conducted? It's common practice to conduct eNPS surveys annually or bi-annually, but some organizations may opt for more frequent pulses to closely monitor employee sentiment.

  2. What is a good eNPS score? A positive eNPS (above zero) is generally good, but scores can vary widely across industries and regions. Benchmarking against similar organizations can provide more context.

  3. How can we improve our eNPS score? By closely analyzing feedback, identifying trends and areas for improvement, and implementing targeted actions to address employee concerns and enhance the work environment.


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