What is Leadership Development?

Leadership Development refers to the systematic approach to expanding the leadership abilities within individuals and organisations. It involves a variety of activities, including training, mentoring, and experiential learning, aimed at enhancing the skills, competencies, and confidence of current and potential leaders. Effective leadership development programs are crucial for ensuring that organisations have a pipeline of capable leaders to guide them toward achieving their goals and adapting to changing environments.

Why is Leadership Development relevant to internal comms?

Leadership Development is highly relevant to internal communications because effective leaders are essential for fostering a positive organisational culture, driving engagement, and communicating strategic visions and changes within the company. Internal comms professionals often play a role in supporting leadership development initiatives by facilitating communications training for leaders, promoting leadership programs within the organisation, and sharing success stories and insights from leadership development activities.

Examples of Leadership Development in internal comms

Examples might include an internal comms campaign promoting a new mentoring program for emerging leaders, spotlight articles or interviews on the intranet featuring insights from senior leaders about their development journeys, or regular updates on leadership initiatives and their impact on the organisation.

Best practices for Leadership Development

  • Tailor leadership development programs to the specific needs and goals of the organisation and its leaders.

  • Incorporate a mix of learning methods, including formal training, mentoring, and on-the-job experiences.

  • Measure the effectiveness of leadership development initiatives to ensure they are delivering the desired outcomes.

Common challenges for Leadership Development

  • Ensuring that leadership development is aligned with the strategic goals of the organisation.

  • Providing development opportunities that are relevant and accessible to leaders at all levels.

  • Demonstrating the return on investment of leadership development initiatives.

What does Leadership Development mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, effective Leadership Development means having skilled and capable leaders who can effectively communicate, motivate, and guide the team, leading to improved performance, job satisfaction, and engagement. It ensures that frontline teams are led by individuals who understand their unique challenges and are committed to supporting their growth and success.

Leadership Development FAQs

  1. How can internal comms support Leadership Development initiatives?

    • By creating awareness and understanding of the importance of leadership development, facilitating communication skills training for leaders, and showcasing the impact of leadership development on the organisation.

  2. What impact does effective leadership have on employee engagement?

    • Effective leadership significantly impacts employee engagement by fostering a positive work environment, clear communication, and a sense of purpose and direction for employees.

  3. How can organisations measure the success of Leadership Development programs?

    • Through feedback from program participants, assessments of leadership competencies before and after the program, and monitoring changes in team performance and engagement levels.


What are Leadership Development Initiatives?


What are Employee Surveys?