What are Employee Surveys?

Employee Surveys are structured questionnaires used by organisations to gather insights and feedback from their workforce on various aspects of their job and the workplace environment. These surveys can cover a wide range of topics, including job satisfaction, engagement, workplace culture, leadership effectiveness, and more. The goal of employee surveys is to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, helping organisations make informed decisions to enhance the employee experience and drive organisational success.

Why are Employee Surveys relevant to internal comms?

Employee Surveys are particularly relevant to internal communications professionals as they provide a systematic method for collecting employee feedback, which is critical for understanding employee needs, concerns, and perceptions. Internal comms use the insights gained from these surveys to tailor communication strategies, address identified issues, and reinforce positive aspects of the workplace, thereby fostering a culture of openness and continuous improvement.

Examples of Employee Surveys in internal comms

Examples might include annual engagement surveys that assess overall employee sentiment, pulse surveys focused on specific initiatives or changes within the organisation, and exit surveys designed to understand the reasons behind employee turnover.

Best practices for Employee Surveys

  • Ensure anonymity and confidentiality to encourage honest feedback.

  • Clearly communicate the purpose of the survey and how the results will be used to effect change.

  • Act on the feedback received by developing and implementing targeted action plans, and communicate these plans and any subsequent changes back to employees.

Common challenges for Employee Surveys

  • Achieving a high response rate to ensure the feedback is representative.

  • Avoiding survey fatigue by ensuring questions are relevant and surveys are not too frequent.

  • Demonstrating a clear link between the feedback provided and the actions taken to maintain trust in the process.

What do Employee Surveys mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, Employee Surveys mean having a voice within the organisation and an opportunity to share their unique perspectives and challenges. This feedback is invaluable for making improvements that directly impact their day-to-day work and overall job satisfaction.

Employee Surveys FAQs

  1. How can internal comms ensure high engagement with Employee Surveys?

    • By highlighting the importance of employee input, ensuring surveys are accessible and easy to complete, and communicating the positive changes that result from employee feedback.

  2. What role does leadership play in Employee Surveys?

    • Leadership's support and active participation in the survey process are essential for reinforcing its importance and ensuring that necessary actions are taken based on the feedback.

  3. How should the results of Employee Surveys be communicated?

    • Results should be shared transparently with employees, along with the action plans developed in response to the feedback, to demonstrate the organisation's commitment to listening and improving.


What is Leadership Development?


What are Employee Satisfaction Surveys?