What is Leadership Communication Training?

Leadership Communication Training refers to structured programmes and workshops designed to enhance the communication skills of leaders within an organisation. This training focuses on developing the ability to convey messages clearly and effectively, listen actively, and adapt communication styles to various audiences, thereby strengthening leadership influence and effectiveness.

Why is Leadership Communication Training relevant to internal comms?

This training is essential for internal communications as it directly impacts how leaders engage with their teams and the broader organisation. Effective communication skills are crucial for leaders to inspire, motivate, and drive performance, making such training a pivotal component of leadership development and organisational success.

Examples of Leadership Communication Training in internal comms

Examples include workshops on public speaking, active listening seminars, and courses on non-verbal communication. These programmes often incorporate role-playing exercises, feedback sessions, and real-world case studies to provide practical learning experiences.

Best practices for Leadership Communication Training

Best practices include tailoring training to the specific needs of the leaders, incorporating feedback mechanisms, and ensuring that the training is practical and interactive. Continuous learning opportunities and follow-up sessions can also help reinforce the skills learned.

Common challenges for Leadership Communication Training

Challenges might include finding time in busy schedules, measuring the direct impact of training on performance, and ensuring the training content remains relevant and engaging. Overcoming these challenges is key to maximising the benefits of the training.

What does Leadership Communication Training mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, leadership communication training can result in clearer direction, increased support, and a more engaged relationship with their leaders. It ensures that leaders are equipped to effectively convey critical information, provide constructive feedback, and foster a positive working environment.

Leadership Communication Training FAQs

  • What key areas are covered in Leadership Communication Training?

    • Key areas often include message crafting, listening skills, emotional intelligence, and adapting to different communication styles.

  • How often should leaders undergo communication training?

    • Regular intervals, such as annually or biennially, can help leaders keep their skills sharp and adapt to new communication challenges.

  • Can Leadership Communication Training be done online?

    • Yes, many programmes offer online or hybrid models, providing flexibility for leaders to participate regardless of their location.


What is acting on feedback?


What are Leadership Communication Skills?