What is internal communication strategy development?

Internal communication strategy development involves designing a plan that outlines how an organisation will manage and execute internal communications. It includes setting clear objectives, identifying target audiences, selecting appropriate channels and tools, and establishing metrics to evaluate effectiveness. This process ensures that internal communications are strategic, purposeful, and aligned with the organisation's goals and culture.

Why is internal communication strategy development relevant to internal comms?

This development process is fundamental for internal comms professionals as it provides a structured approach to crafting and implementing communication initiatives. It ensures that internal messaging is coherent, supports organisational objectives, and fosters a culture of open and transparent communication, which is essential for employee engagement and retention.

Examples of internal communication strategy development in internal comms

Practical examples include conducting internal audits to assess current communication effectiveness, setting specific communication objectives aligned with business goals, and implementing tailored communication plans for different departments or teams. These strategies are designed to enhance information flow and engagement across all levels of the organisation.

Best practices for internal communication strategy development

Best practices involve conducting thorough needs assessments, involving key stakeholders in the planning process, integrating feedback mechanisms, and regularly reviewing and adjusting the strategy based on outcomes and changing organisational needs. Clarity, consistency, and creativity in messaging are also crucial.

Common challenges for internal communication strategy development

  • Aligning communication goals with overall business objectives

  • Ensuring the strategy is adaptable to change

  • Engaging diverse and dispersed workforces

Internal communication strategy development FAQs

Q: How do you start developing an internal communication strategy?
A: Begin with an audit of existing communication practices and identify areas for improvement. Set clear, measurable goals and select the most effective channels and tools for your audience.

Q: Who should be involved in developing the internal communication strategy?
A: It should be a collaborative effort involving internal comms professionals, leadership, HR, and representatives from various departments to ensure diverse perspectives and needs are considered.

Q: How do you measure the success of an internal communication strategy?
A: Success can be measured through employee feedback, engagement levels, the attainment of communication objectives, and the impact on overall business performance.


What are internal communication systems?


What is an internal communication strategy?