What is Inclusivity?

Inclusivity in the workplace refers to the practice and commitment of an organisation to create an environment where all individuals feel welcome, respected, and valued for who they are. It encompasses the active efforts to ensure diverse perspectives are not only present but are also actively engaged and given a platform to influence and shape the organisational culture and policies. Inclusivity is about embracing differences and ensuring that every employee has the opportunity to contribute to their fullest potential, without facing barriers related to their identity, background, or way of thinking.

Why is inclusivity relevant to internal comms?

Inclusivity is a cornerstone of effective internal communications, as it ensures that messaging, channels, and content are designed to engage a diverse workforce. It influences how information is shared, ensuring that it is accessible and resonant with everyone, regardless of their role, location, or background. Inclusivity in internal comms helps in building a culture where every employee feels they are part of the conversation, leading to higher engagement, better understanding, and stronger alignment with organisational values and goals.

Examples of Inclusivity in internal comms

  • Diverse Content Creation: Developing content that reflects the diversity of the workforce and addresses a broad range of interests and concerns.

  • Inclusive Feedback Mechanisms: Implementing feedback channels that are accessible and inviting to all employees, encouraging diverse viewpoints and suggestions.

  • Cultural Celebrations: Recognising and celebrating a wide array of cultural and societal events, contributing to a sense of belonging and appreciation for diversity.

Best practices for Inclusivity

  • Broaden Participation: Encourage participation from underrepresented groups in decision-making processes and communications initiatives.

  • Tailor Communications: Adapt communication styles and channels to meet the diverse needs and preferences of the workforce.

  • Continuous Learning: Promote ongoing education and awareness around diversity, equity, and inclusion topics among all employees.

  • Transparent Dialogue: Foster an environment where difficult conversations about diversity and inclusion can be held in a respectful and constructive manner.

Common challenges for Inclusivity

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Navigating the complexities of cultural differences and ensuring communications are respectful and inclusive of all perspectives.

  • Representation: Ensuring that internal comms truly represent the voices and experiences of the entire workforce, avoiding tokenism.

  • Accessibility: Making all communications materials accessible to individuals with disabilities, including visual, auditory, and cognitive impairments.

What does Inclusivity mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, inclusivity means creating a work environment where every team member, regardless of their role, background, or personal characteristics, feels valued and empowered to contribute. This is particularly important in sectors like retail, healthcare, and hospitality, where the diversity of the team can enhance service delivery and customer relations.

Inclusivity FAQs

Q: How can organisations measure inclusivity? A: Organisations can measure inclusivity through employee surveys, focus groups, and by tracking diversity and inclusion metrics, such as representation in leadership and employee retention rates across different groups.

Q: What is the impact of inclusivity on team dynamics? A: Inclusivity can significantly improve team dynamics by fostering mutual respect, enhancing collaboration, and encouraging the sharing of diverse perspectives, leading to more innovative and effective problem-solving.

Q: How can inclusivity be integrated into existing internal comms strategies? A: Inclusivity can be integrated by auditing current communications for bias, ensuring diverse representation in communications materials, and by providing training to all employees on inclusive communication practices.

More info about Inclusivity

For further exploration of inclusivity in the workplace, consider delving into resources on inclusive leadership, successful case studies of organisational inclusivity, and tools for creating more inclusive communication strategies.


What are Internal Campaigns?


What is Inclusion?