What is Inclusion?

Inclusion in the workplace refers to the practice of creating an environment where all employees feel valued, respected, and supported, regardless of their background, identity, or circumstances. It involves proactive efforts to ensure that everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources, and that diverse perspectives are welcomed and integrated into the organisational culture. Inclusion is a key component of diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives, focusing on the active engagement and participation of all employees in the fabric of the organisation.

Why is inclusion relevant to internal comms?

Inclusion is crucial to internal communications because it directly impacts how messages are crafted, delivered, and received within the organisation. Effective internal comms must be accessible and resonant with a diverse workforce, ensuring that all voices are heard and considered. Promoting an inclusive culture through internal comms can enhance employee engagement, foster collaboration, and drive innovation by harnessing a wide range of experiences and viewpoints.

Examples of Inclusion in internal comms

  • Multilingual Communications: Offering key communications in multiple languages to accommodate non-native speakers.

  • Accessibility Features: Ensuring that digital communications are accessible to employees with disabilities, such as using screen reader-friendly formats and providing captions for video content.

  • Diverse Representation: Showcasing a wide range of employee stories and perspectives in internal newsletters, intranets, and other channels.

Best practices for Inclusion

  • Seek and Value Diverse Perspectives: Actively solicit input from employees of diverse backgrounds when developing and implementing internal comms strategies.

  • Inclusive Language: Use language that is non-discriminatory and reflects a respect for diversity in all communications.

  • Regular Training: Provide ongoing training for employees and leaders on inclusion best practices and unconscious bias.

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Implement channels for employees to provide feedback on the inclusivity of internal comms and the workplace environment.

Common challenges for Inclusion

  • Overcoming Unconscious Bias: Recognising and mitigating unconscious biases that can influence communications and decision-making.

  • Ensuring Representation: Authentically representing the diversity within the organisation without tokenism.

  • Addressing Accessibility: Making all communications accessible to employees with different abilities and needs.

What does Inclusion mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, inclusion means creating a work environment where every member feels they belong and can perform to their best, regardless of their role or level within the organisation. This is particularly important in customer-facing roles, where the diversity of the workforce can reflect and better serve a diverse customer base.

Inclusion FAQs

Q: How does inclusion differ from diversity? A: Diversity focuses on the mix of people and their various backgrounds within an organisation, while inclusion is about how well the contributions, presence, and perspectives of different groups are valued and integrated into the environment.

Q: Can inclusion impact business performance? A: Yes, numerous studies have shown that inclusive workplaces benefit from higher employee engagement, greater innovation, better decision-making, and stronger financial performance.

Q: What role do leaders play in fostering inclusion? A: Leaders play a crucial role by setting the tone, demonstrating inclusive behaviours, and holding themselves and others accountable for building an inclusive culture.

More info about Inclusion

For those seeking to deepen their understanding of inclusion in the workplace, exploring resources on inclusive leadership, case studies of successful inclusion initiatives, and tools for assessing and improving inclusivity can be highly beneficial.


What is Inclusivity?


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