What is Engagement in Internal Comms?

Engagement in internal communications refers to employees' level of interest, interaction, and emotional commitment towards their organisation's communications. It's about how actively employees participate in communication initiatives, absorb shared information, and embody the company's values and objectives daily.

Why is Engagement relevant to internal comms?

Engagement is a cornerstone of effective internal comms because it directly impacts organisational culture, employee satisfaction, and overall productivity. High engagement levels indicate that employees receive information and are motivated and involved in the company's vision and goals, driving a more dynamic and cohesive workplace environment.

Examples of Engagement in Internal Comms

This can range from active participation in internal surveys, lively discussions on the company intranet, high attendance at company-wide meetings, to enthusiastic involvement in internal campaigns or initiatives. These activities demonstrate the employees' vested interest in the organisation's communications and their role within the company.

Best practices for Engagement in Internal Comms

  • Craft clear, relevant, and compelling messages that resonate with employees.

  • Utilise a variety of communication channels to cater to different preferences and work environments.

  • Foster a culture of open dialogue, encouraging employees to share their ideas and feedback.

Common challenges for Engagement in Internal Comms

  • Overcoming communication saturation and ensuring messages stand out.

  • Measuring engagement levels accurately to inform communication strategies.

  • Tailoring communications to a diverse workforce with varying needs and expectations.

What does Engagement in Internal Comms mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, engagement in internal comms means receiving timely, relevant information in an accessible manner, allowing them to feel connected and aligned with the organisation's objectives, despite the challenges of their customer-facing roles.

Engagement in Internal Comms FAQs

  1. How can we measure engagement in internal comms?

    • Through metrics such as open rates, feedback volume, survey responses, and participation rates in communication-related activities.

  2. What impact does leadership communication have on engagement?

    • Leadership communication plays a crucial role in setting the tone and fostering a culture of engagement, as leaders who communicate effectively and transparently can significantly boost employee trust and involvement.

  3. Can digital tools enhance engagement in internal comms?

    • Yes, digital tools like internal social networks, mobile apps, and interactive platforms can greatly enhance engagement by making communication more accessible and interactive.


What is Empowerment in Internal Comms?


What is an Engagement Strategy?