What is an Engagement Strategy?

An engagement strategy in the context of internal communications is a planned approach designed to enhance employee involvement, commitment, and satisfaction within an organisation. It involves a series of coordinated efforts and initiatives to foster a positive work environment, encourage active participation, and build a strong connection between employees and the company's values and goals.

Why is an Engagement Strategy relevant to internal comms?

An engagement strategy is crucial for internal comms professionals as it directly impacts communication effectiveness within the organisation. Companies can improve information flow, increase productivity, and enhance overall organisational health by actively engaging employees. A well-executed engagement strategy ensures that employees feel valued, heard, and motivated, which in turn drives better performance and retention.

Examples of an Engagement Strategy in internal comms

This could include regular feedback mechanisms, recognition programs, internal social media platforms for peer interaction, and professional development and growth opportunities. Engagement strategies often involve personalising communication to meet the diverse needs and preferences of the workforce.

Best practices for an Engagement Strategy

  • Clearly define and communicate the objectives of the engagement strategy to all stakeholders.

  • Use a mix of communication channels to reach employees in a way that suits their preferences and work patterns.

  • Regularly measure and analyse engagement levels to understand the impact of your strategies and identify improvement areas.

Common challenges for an Engagement Strategy

  • Ensuring engagement initiatives resonate with a diverse workforce.

  • Balancing the frequency and volume of communications to avoid overload.

  • Demonstrating the tangible benefits of engagement activities to secure ongoing support from leadership.

What does an Engagement Strategy mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, a tailored engagement strategy can significantly impact their daily work experience and loyalty to the company. It ensures they receive relevant, timely information and feel included in the broader organisational culture, despite the physical or operational distance from corporate offices.

Engagement Strategy FAQs

  1. How can we tailor our engagement strategy to suit remote or hybrid employees?

    • Consider remote or hybrid employees' unique challenges and communication preferences, incorporating digital tools and flexible communication practices that bridge the physical gap.

  2. What metrics can we use to measure the success of our engagement strategy?

    • Engagement surveys, participation rates in engagement activities, turnover rates, and feedback channels can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your strategy.

  3. How often should we revise our engagement strategy?

    • Regularly review and adjust your engagement strategy to ensure it remains relevant and effective in the face of organisational changes and evolving employee expectations.


What is Engagement in Internal Comms?


What are Frontline Comms?