What is Employee Engagement?

Employee Engagement refers to the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organisation, and put discretionary effort into their work. It encompasses the emotional and intellectual connection that employees have with their workplace, driving motivation, performance, and a sense of belonging. High levels of engagement are linked with increased productivity, better customer service, and lower turnover rates.

Why is Employee Engagement relevant to internal comms?

Employee Engagement is central to internal communications because effective comms strategies are key to fostering engagement. Through clear, consistent, and meaningful communication, internal comms professionals can help build a culture that supports engagement by ensuring employees feel informed, heard, and aligned with the organisation's goals and values.

Examples of Employee Engagement in internal comms

Examples include recognition programs that celebrate employee achievements, feedback mechanisms that give employees a voice in decision-making, and communication platforms that facilitate collaboration and social interaction among staff.

Best practices for Employee Engagement

  • Regularly communicate the company's vision, values, and goals to help employees see how their work contributes to the bigger picture.

  • Foster a two-way communication channel where employees can share ideas, feedback, and concerns.

  • Recognise and celebrate achievements and milestones to make employees feel valued and appreciated.

Common challenges for Employee Engagement

  • Ensuring communications reach and resonate with a diverse workforce

  • Overcoming employee cynicism, particularly in organisations with a history of poor communication

  • Measuring the impact of internal comms strategies on engagement levels

What does Employee Engagement mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, strong Employee Engagement means being motivated and equipped to provide exceptional service, contributing to customer satisfaction and business success. Engagement ensures these employees feel supported by the organisation and are committed to its success.

Employee Engagement FAQs

  1. How can internal comms measure Employee Engagement?

    • Through regular surveys, pulse checks, and analysing metrics related to employee turnover, absenteeism, and performance.

  2. What impact does leadership have on Employee Engagement?

    • Leadership plays a crucial role in setting the tone for engagement by modelling desired behaviours, communicating openly, and showing genuine concern for employee well-being.

  3. How can technology enhance Employee Engagement?

    • Technology can facilitate better communication, collaboration, and recognition, making it easier for employees to connect with their work and each other, regardless of location.


What are Employee Engagement Initiatives?


What are Employee Empowerment Programs?