Reengage your manufacturing employees 

Manufacturing businesses need help with a 31% annual staff turnover, and only 39% of frontline workers feel heard by their company. Given the nature of the work, it’s easy for employees to feel disconnected and disengaged, which ultimately leads to poor productivity.

Ocasta Engage will close this gap, making sure your workforce feels connected, valued, and supported in their growth.

Tailor your comms for each department

It’s easy for your employees to feel like just a number when they receive blanket messages addressed to everyone. 

To consider the needs of individual departments, tailor your comms and target them by role or location so your manufacturing employees only see the internal comms that are relevant to them. This maximises engagement and makes them feel like a valued team member.

Give them a personalised feed 

In such a large business, it can be easy for comms to become noisy quickly. 

Once your manufacturing employees feel overwhelmed, they often stop listening. You start to hear, “No one told me that.”

Keep your factory workers engaged with their personalised, relevant, and unread news summaries in their personal news feeds. Keep social media for social and ensure every important update is read, understood, and up-to-date.

Retain your manufacturing employees for longer

Employee turnover in the manufacturing industry is high at 31%

Ocasta Engage makes it simple for manufacturing managers to recognise and reward their factory team’s hard work with Kudos, small, personalised badges accompanied by customised messages highlighting specific achievements or exceptional performance on the factory floor.

When your employees are clocking long hours, managing demanding tasks, and sometimes feeling the strain of the job, a bit of recognition can make all the difference. Show your factory workers you appreciate their efforts with Kudos. It’s a small gesture that can significantly improve morale and retention.

Reach your manufacturing employees fast and efficiently

Your manufacturing teams are hard to reach and need access to email or computers, this can pose a problem when you need to make an important announcement. 

With the Ocasta Engage manufacturing comms app, you can reach every manufacturing employee in a matter of seconds. 

With instant alerts and comms, your staff will immediately see your targeted comms on their mobile or tablet device.

Manufacturing comms aren’t just read, they’re understood

Daily updates are helpful, but traditional communication methods often fall short when it comes to significant shifts like the launch of a new production line, changes in safety protocols, or the integration of advanced machinery. Lengthy manuals, detailed PDFs, and long training videos get overlooked on the factory floor.

Engage’s microlearning closes the gap by delivering essential training alongside your comms in 3-5 minute sessions. It is ideally suited to fit into the demanding schedules of your frontline manufacturing workers and make sure that everything isn’t just read, it’s understood.

72% of business leaders believe that effective communication has increased their team’s productivity.

Embrace a balanced work-life culture

If you’re like most manufacturing companies, you send all of your business-critical communications via popular messaging apps such as WhatsApp. The issue is that factory employees can never entirely ‘switch off’ with work comms following them home after hours.

This can lead to burnout and resentment. With the Ocasta Engage manufacturing comms app, you can keep it to business only, so they don't have work comms following them home after hours.

Streamlined compliance with legal, ethical, and regulatory standards

In the manufacturing industry, workers are responsible for more than just production. They must also maintain 100% compliance with a complex web of legal, ethical, and industry-specific regulations. From safety standards and environmental regulations to consumer protection laws, it can be challenging to make sure every team member stays up to date.

Ocasta Engage simplifies this process with trackable acknowledgements, allowing you to confirm that your manufacturing staff has read and understood every compliance document. You can schedule these checks to occur daily, weekly, or monthly, giving you full control over your team's adherence to critical industry standards.

Stay Connected with Internal Podcasts on the Job

Keeping up with essential updates can be challenging for factory workers due to their hands-on roles, constant movement, and limited access to screens or written communications.

Missing these critical updates can result in misunderstandings, reduced productivity, and lower engagement.

With Ocasta Engage, your manufacturing team can stay informed with internal podcasts. They can listen over Bluetooth during downtimes, commutes, or breaks.

This way, everyone remains informed, aligned, and engaged, no matter where they are on the factory floor.

Give your manufacturing employees a voice

Just like the saying goes, "We have two ears and one mouth; use them in that ratio," the same applies to internal communications.

One-sided communication doesn’t resonate with your manufacturing team. By not listening to their opinions, you risk missing out on their practical knowledge and creating frustration when they feel unheard.

With Ocasta Engage, you can easily allow your manufacturing workers to share comments, reactions, and feedback on your communications. This way, you tap into their on-the-ground expertise and make sure their voices are heard, leading to a more engaged and motivated factory floor. 

Make the day-to-day easier for your factory team

In a factory, communication isn’t just about announcing updates; it’s about making sure your team has everything they need to keep the lines running smoothly.

Whether you’re posting notices on the bulletin board, resending emails, or handing out printed manuals, the process can quickly turn into a cluttered mess. Workers end up scrambling to find the right instructions, product details, or safety procedures when they need them most.

Ocasta Engage’s knowledgebase gives your manufacturing team instant, searchable access to the latest work instructions, machine operating procedures, maintenance guides, safety protocols, and training videos. Everything they need is right at their fingertips, helping them stay on task and keep production moving efficiently.

Achieve 98% engagement, 3.75x more recognition, and 94% communication read rates with your manufacturing teams' most effective comms and training app.