What is Conflict Resolution?

Conflict Resolution refers to the process by which disputes or disagreements between individuals or groups within an organisation are addressed and resolved in a constructive manner. It involves identifying the underlying causes of conflict, exploring all parties' perspectives, and collaboratively finding a solution that satisfies all involved. Effective conflict resolution is crucial for maintaining a positive work environment and ensuring team cohesion.

Why is Conflict Resolution relevant to internal comms?

Conflict Resolution is highly relevant to internal comms professionals as communication is often at the heart of conflicts in the workplace. Misunderstandings, miscommunications, or lack of communication can lead to conflicts, and conversely, effective communication is key to resolving them. Internal comms play a pivotal role in facilitating open dialogue, providing platforms for feedback, and promoting understanding and empathy among employees.

Examples of Conflict Resolution in internal comms

An example of Conflict Resolution in internal communications might include facilitating a mediation session where parties involved in a conflict are encouraged to express their views in a controlled environment, guided by a neutral mediator. Another example could be the creation of feedback channels that allow employees to voice concerns or grievances before they escalate into larger conflicts.

Best practices for Conflict Resolution

  • Encourage open and honest communication, ensuring all parties feel heard and understood.

  • Focus on the issue at hand rather than personal attributes or past incidents.

  • Seek to understand different perspectives and find common ground.

  • Develop clear guidelines and protocols for addressing conflicts as they arise.

Common challenges for Conflict Resolution

  • Overcoming initial resistance to engage in resolution processes

  • Ensuring neutrality and fairness in handling disputes

  • Balancing the need for timely resolution with thorough understanding of all perspectives

What does Conflict Resolution mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, effective Conflict Resolution is essential for maintaining smooth operations and positive customer interactions. These teams often work under high pressure and in close quarters, making the ability to quickly and effectively resolve disputes critical to their success and well-being.

Conflict Resolution FAQs

  1. What are some effective Conflict Resolution techniques?

    • Techniques include active listening, empathy exercises, solution-focused problem-solving, and mediation.

  2. How can internal comms facilitate Conflict Resolution?

    • By providing clear communication channels, offering training on conflict management, and promoting a culture of openness and respect.

  3. What role does leadership play in Conflict Resolution?

    • Leadership sets the tone for how conflicts are perceived and managed within the organisation, modelling constructive behaviour and supporting resolution efforts.


What are Conflict Resolution Processes?


What are Communication Tribes?