What are Communication Tribes?

Communication Tribes refer to informal or formal groups within an organisation that have developed their own unique communication styles, norms, and networks. These tribes can form around specific projects, departments, interests, or even organisational subcultures. They play a significant role in how information flows within an organisation, often creating parallel communication channels alongside official ones.

Why are Communication Tribes relevant to internal comms?

Understanding and engaging with Communication Tribes is crucial for internal comms professionals as these groups can significantly influence the effectiveness of communication strategies. Tribes can either facilitate the rapid spread of information or, conversely, act as gatekeepers, potentially hindering the flow of communication. Recognising these dynamics allows for more targeted and effective internal communication efforts.

Examples of Communication Tribes in internal comms

An example of a Communication Tribe could be a group of employees from various departments who have bonded over a shared interest in innovative work practices and regularly share ideas and insights through an informal Slack channel. Another example might be a department that has developed its own unique newsletter or meeting style that differs from the rest of the organisation.

Best practices for engaging with Communication Tribes

  • Identify key tribes within your organisation and understand their communication preferences and networks.

  • Engage with tribe leaders or influencers to facilitate the flow of information and ensure alignment with broader organisational goals.

  • Leverage the unique strengths and networks of each tribe to enhance overall communication effectiveness.

Common challenges related to Communication Tribes

  • Identifying and mapping the various tribes and their influence within a large organisation

  • Ensuring that informal communication channels do not disseminate inaccurate or conflicting information

  • Balancing the autonomy and culture of tribes with the need for consistent organisational messaging

What do Communication Tribes mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, being part of or connected to Communication Tribes can provide valuable support networks and access to information that might not be as readily available through official channels. It can enhance their sense of belonging and engagement with the wider organisation.

Communication Tribes FAQs

  1. How can you identify Communication Tribes within your organisation?

    • Observing communication patterns, seeking employee feedback, and using network analysis tools can help identify these tribes.

  2. What role can Communication Tribes play in change management?

    • Tribes can be powerful allies in disseminating information and garnering support for organisational changes if engaged effectively.

  3. How should internal comms professionals interact with Communication Tribes?

    • With respect for their culture and norms, offering support and resources, and leveraging their networks for organisational communication goals.


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