What is Change Management Communication?

Change Management Communication entails the methods and channels used to inform and engage employees about organisational changes. It aims to clarify the change process, address concerns, and foster a supportive environment that eases the transition for employees, ensuring they understand and are aligned with the change objectives.

Why is Change Management Communication relevant to internal comms?

Effective Change Management Communication is essential to internal comms because it directly impacts how well changes are received and integrated by the workforce. Clear, transparent, and timely communication can significantly reduce resistance, build trust, and enhance employee engagement during periods of change.

Examples of Change Management Communication in internal comms

Examples include detailed communication plans for rolling out new company policies, rebranding efforts, or introducing new technologies. These plans often involve a mix of channels such as emails, town hall meetings, Q&A sessions, and training workshops to ensure comprehensive understanding and buy-in from employees.

Best practices for Change Management Communication

Best practices involve early and continuous communication about the change, providing a clear rationale for the change, actively listening and responding to employee feedback, and ensuring leaders and managers are equipped to communicate effectively about the change to their teams.

Common challenges for Change Management Communication

Challenges can include overcoming employee skepticism or resistance, ensuring consistency of the change message across all levels and departments, and maintaining open lines of communication to address concerns and feedback throughout the change process.

Change Management Communication is a critical component of successfully managing organisational change, ensuring employees are informed, supported, and engaged every step of the way.


What is channel and community management?


What is Change Management?