What are Organisational Goals?

Organisational Goals refer to the specific objectives that a company aims to achieve within a defined timeframe. These goals guide the direction of the organisation's efforts and resources, providing a clear framework for decision-making and performance evaluation. Organisational goals can range from financial targets, such as revenue growth or cost reduction, to strategic objectives, such as market expansion, product development, or enhancing customer satisfaction.

Why are Organisational Goals relevant to internal comms?

Organisational Goals are highly relevant to internal communications as they form the basis of strategic messaging within the company. Internal comms professionals play a key role in ensuring that all employees are aware of, understand, and are aligned with these goals. Effective communication of organisational goals helps to foster a sense of purpose, unity, and motivation among employees, driving collective efforts towards achieving these objectives.

Examples of Organisational Goals in internal comms

Examples might include internal campaigns to raise awareness about a new sustainability initiative that aligns with the organisation's long-term environmental goals, or communications around a company-wide efficiency drive aimed at reducing costs and improving productivity.

Best practices for communicating Organisational Goals

  • Clearly articulate the goals in a way that is understandable and relevant to all employees.

  • Regularly update the workforce on progress towards these goals to maintain engagement and momentum.

  • Link individual or team objectives to broader organisational goals to enhance relevance and motivation.

Common challenges for communicating Organisational Goals

  • Ensuring that goals are communicated in a way that is meaningful and engaging for employees at all levels.

  • Overcoming scepticism or resistance, especially if goals involve significant changes or challenges.

  • Measuring the impact of communication efforts on employees' understanding and alignment with organisational goals.

What do Organisational Goals mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, understanding and aligning with Organisational Goals means being able to see the direct impact of their work on the company's success. This alignment can lead to increased job satisfaction, a stronger sense of purpose, and more focused efforts towards contributing to these goals.

Organisational Goals FAQs

  1. How can internal comms help employees connect their roles to Organisational Goals?

    • By providing examples and stories that illustrate how different roles contribute to achieving these goals, and by recognising and celebrating contributions that support goal attainment.

  2. What impact do clear Organisational Goals have on employee engagement?

    • Clear goals can significantly boost engagement by providing employees with a clear direction, a sense of purpose, and a measure for their contributions to the company's success.

  3. How often should Organisational Goals be communicated to the workforce?

    • While the setting of goals may be an annual or bi-annual event, regular updates on progress, changes, or new initiatives related to these goals should be communicated as needed to keep employees informed and engaged.


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