What are Methods of Communication?

Methods of Communication refer to the various channels and techniques used to convey messages and information within an organisation. These methods range from traditional face-to-face conversations to modern digital platforms, each serving different purposes and suiting different contexts. Effective communication methods are crucial for ensuring clear, consistent, and engaging interactions among employees, fostering a collaborative and informed workplace.

Why are Methods of Communication relevant to internal comms?

Methods of Communication are fundamental to internal communications as they determine how effectively information is shared, received, and understood across the organisation. Choosing the right communication methods is key to engaging employees, facilitating collaboration, and ensuring that key messages are effectively disseminated. Internal comms professionals must understand the strengths and limitations of different communication methods to craft strategies that meet the diverse needs of their audience.

Examples of Methods of Communication in internal comms

Examples might include email for detailed and formal communication, instant messaging apps for quick and informal exchanges, intranet sites for centralising important information, and face-to-face meetings or video calls for discussions that require direct interaction and engagement.

Best practices for Methods of Communication

  • Match the communication method to the message's purpose and the audience's preferences to ensure effectiveness.

  • Use a mix of communication methods to cater to different needs and situations within the organisation.

  • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of chosen communication methods and be open to adopting new technologies and approaches.

Common challenges for Methods of Communication

  • Ensuring accessibility and inclusivity across diverse communication methods.

  • Managing information overload, especially with digital communication channels.

  • Maintaining message consistency across different methods and platforms.

What do Methods of Communication mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, effective Methods of Communication mean having access to the information they need in a timely and convenient manner, enhancing their ability to perform their roles efficiently and stay aligned with organisational goals. Tailoring communication methods to the specific needs and contexts of frontline teams can lead to improved job satisfaction and performance.

Methods of Communication FAQs

  1. How can internal comms choose the most effective communication methods?

    • By considering the message's purpose, the audience's needs, and the context of the communication, and by gathering feedback on the effectiveness of current methods.

  2. What role does technology play in modern Methods of Communication?

    • Technology plays a crucial role by offering a range of platforms and tools that facilitate instant, wide-reaching, and interactive communication.

  3. How can the effectiveness of communication methods be measured?

    • Through employee feedback, engagement metrics, and analysing the reach and impact of communications across different channels.


What are Metrics and Analytics?


What are Messengers?