Take a 2 minute video tour

Virgin Media O2

We’ve never had performance like this with any of our platforms.

Jody Myers, Head of Core Operations

Watch the two minute product tour now to learn:

  • The best practices to go beyond communicating, to make sure your frontline has the know-how you need.

  • How Ocasta Engage approaches closing the knowledge gaps.

  • How to book your deeper dive demo.







Always 100% in control.

Corporate-supplied tools

Engage’s frontline enablement

❌ Comms updates are lost between social posts on your corporate social network.

✅ Dedicate app for your custom-facing team that you control, with proven techniques that get engagement.

❌ Learning content on the central LMS takes too long to create, and you’re not in control.

✅ Create quick quizzes, microlearning and tests from your existing content. No need to involve central teams.

❌ Content gets poor engagement.

✅ Write and schedule content in the format your teams need, in an accessible app, away from the corporate noise.

❌ Staff don’t recognise one another, leading to poor retention and frustrations.

✅ App-based reward and recognition means staff recognise “in the moment”, in the app they use every day for comms and learning.

❌ By the time content gets to staff, it’s often no longer relevant.

✅ Your instant updates from Engage let you move at the speed of retail.

❌ There’s a learning-doing gap; stats show everything looks good, but the results say otherwise.

✅ Comms, microlearning and a searchable knowledgebase grow a confident workforce, instead of testing and broadcasting.

You’re just three steps away from closing the knowledge gaps in your teams:

  1. Enjoy a 25-minute demo

  2. Learn the latest of the best practices in comms

  3. Enjoy next-level engagement!