What is personalisation?

Personalisation in the context of internal communications refers to the customisation of messages, content, and experiences to meet the individual preferences, interests, and needs of employees within an organisation. It involves tailoring communication to ensure relevance and effectiveness, thereby enhancing employee engagement and satisfaction.

Why is personalisation relevant to internal comms?

Personalisation is highly relevant to internal communications as it acknowledges the diverse needs and preferences of employees, making communication more targeted and meaningful. By delivering tailored content, organisations can foster a more inclusive and engaging environment, leading to improved information retention, higher engagement levels, and a stronger sense of belonging among employees.

Examples of personalisation in internal comms

An example of personalisation in internal communications could include segmenting employees by department or role and sending them tailored updates and news relevant to their specific areas of work. Another example is customising learning and development opportunities based on an individual's career path and interests, thereby enhancing their professional growth and engagement with the content.

Best practices for personalisation

To effectively implement personalisation in internal communications, it's important to gather and utilise data on employees' preferences, behaviours, and needs. This can be achieved through surveys, feedback mechanisms, and analytics. Ensuring data privacy and security is also crucial when personalising communications.

Common challenges for personalisation

  • Managing and analysing large volumes of employee data to inform personalisation strategies

  • Balancing personalisation with the need to communicate universal messages to all employees

  • Ensuring that personalisation efforts are perceived as genuine and not invasive

What does personalisation mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, personalisation can be particularly impactful in delivering relevant information and support that directly enhances their day-to-day operations and customer interactions. Tailored communication can help frontline employees feel more connected to the organisation and better equipped to perform their roles effectively.

Personalisation FAQs

Q: How does personalisation improve internal communications?
A: Personalisation improves internal communications by making messages more relevant and engaging for individual employees, which can enhance understanding, retention, and action.

Q: Can personalisation be automated?
A: Yes, personalisation can be partially automated using digital tools and platforms that segment audiences and tailor messages based on predefined criteria and employee data.

Q: What are the key elements to consider when personalising internal communications?
A: Key elements include understanding employee preferences and needs, maintaining data privacy, ensuring message relevance, and measuring the effectiveness of personalised communications.


What is analytics and reporting?


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