What is People and Culture?

People and Culture within an organisation refers to the collective values, beliefs, behaviours, and practices that shape the social and psychological environment of a workplace. It encompasses how employees interact with each other, the company's approach to management and leadership, and the policies and practices that influence the work environment. A positive and inclusive People and Culture strategy aims to foster a supportive, engaging, and productive workplace, where diversity is valued and employees feel motivated and aligned with the organisation's goals.

Why is People and Culture relevant to internal comms?

People and Culture are deeply relevant to internal communications as they directly impact employee engagement, job satisfaction, and overall organisational effectiveness. Internal comms professionals play a crucial role in shaping and reinforcing the company's culture through strategic communication, promoting core values, celebrating diversity, and facilitating open and transparent communication. Effective internal comms help to cultivate a positive culture that supports business objectives and employee well-being.

Examples of People and Culture in internal comms

Examples might include internal campaigns that celebrate diverse employee backgrounds, regular communications from leadership that reinforce the company's core values, or internal forums that encourage dialogue and collaboration across different departments.

Best practices for People and Culture

  • Clearly communicate the organisation's core values and cultural expectations to all employees.

  • Encourage leadership and management to model the desired cultural behaviours.

  • Foster an inclusive environment where feedback is valued and employees feel empowered to contribute to the culture.

Common challenges for People and Culture

  • Bridging cultural differences within a diverse workforce to ensure inclusivity.

  • Maintaining a consistent culture during periods of change, such as rapid growth or organisational restructuring.

  • Measuring the impact of cultural initiatives on employee engagement and organisational performance.

What does People and Culture mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, a strong and positive People and Culture framework means having clear guidance on expected behaviours and practices, feeling supported by management, and being part of a cohesive team aligned with the organisation's values. This support can lead to improved job satisfaction, better team dynamics, and enhanced customer service.

People and Culture FAQs

  1. How can internal comms support a positive People and Culture strategy?

    • By regularly communicating success stories that highlight the culture in action, providing platforms for employee recognition, and facilitating two-way communication between employees and leadership.

  2. What role do leaders play in shaping People and Culture?

    • Leaders play a pivotal role by setting the tone for the organisation's culture, demonstrating the values in their actions, and supporting policies and practices that promote a positive work environment.

  3. How can the effectiveness of People and Culture initiatives be measured?

    • Through employee surveys, feedback mechanisms, and monitoring indicators such as employee turnover rates, engagement levels, and performance metrics.


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