What is Internal Communication?

Internal Communication refers to the exchange of information, ideas, and messages within an organisation among its employees and management. It encompasses a wide range of processes and channels, including emails, intranets, meetings, newsletters, and social platforms, aimed at facilitating clear, consistent, and effective communication across all levels of the organisation. The goal of internal communication is to ensure that all employees are informed, engaged, and aligned with the company's goals, values, and culture.

Why is internal communication relevant to internal comms?

Internal communication is the backbone of internal comms, serving as the foundation for building a transparent, cohesive, and motivated workplace. It plays a crucial role in fostering a culture of open dialogue, collaboration, and mutual respect, which are essential for achieving organisational objectives. Effective internal communication strategies help in managing change, enhancing employee engagement, and driving organisational performance.

Examples of Internal Communication in internal comms

  • Company-wide Announcements: Sharing important updates and news through email blasts, intranet posts, or all-hands meetings.

  • Employee Feedback Channels: Establishing forums, surveys, or suggestion boxes to gather employee insights and concerns.

  • Collaborative Platforms: Using tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Workplace by Facebook to facilitate day-to-day communication and teamwork.

Best practices for Internal Communication

  • Consistency: Ensure that messages are consistent across all channels and that all employees receive the same key information.

  • Clarity: Communicate in a clear, concise, and jargon-free language to ensure messages are easily understood by all employees.

  • Two-way Communication: Encourage and facilitate feedback and dialogue to create an inclusive communication environment.

  • Segmentation: Tailor communication to different groups within the organisation to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

Common challenges for Internal Communication

  • Information Overload: Managing the volume of communication to avoid overwhelming employees.

  • Channel Overlap: Streamlining communication channels to prevent confusion and ensure messages are received and noted.

  • Engagement: Capturing and maintaining employees' attention amidst competing demands on their time and attention.

What does Internal Communication mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, effective internal communication is critical for ensuring that they are well-informed, engaged, and aligned with the organisation's objectives, despite often being physically distant from corporate offices. Tailored communication strategies can address the unique challenges and needs of frontline employees, enhancing their connection to the company and their role in its success.

Internal Communication FAQs

Q: How has internal communication evolved with remote work? A: The rise of remote work has accelerated the adoption of digital communication tools and platforms, making it essential to find innovative ways to maintain engagement and foster a sense of community among remote employees.

Q: What role does leadership play in internal communication? A: Leadership is pivotal in setting the tone for open and transparent communication, modelling effective communication behaviours, and ensuring that strategic messages are communicated clearly and consistently.

Q: How can the effectiveness of internal communication be measured? A: Effectiveness can be assessed through employee surveys, engagement metrics, feedback channels, and by evaluating the alignment between communication efforts and organisational outcomes.

More info about Internal Communication

For further insights into internal communication, exploring best practices, emerging trends, and case studies of successful internal communication strategies can offer valuable guidance and inspiration.


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