What is employee knowledge and know-how?

Employee knowledge refers to the information and skills employees acquire through experience or education. It encompasses understanding specific tasks, processes, and broader industry insights.

On the other hand, know-how relates to the practical application of this knowledge, the ability to perform tasks efficiently and effectively based on experience and learning skills.

Why is employee knowledge and know-how relevant to internal comms?
Knowledge and know-how are crucial in internal communications as they determine how information is shared within an organisation. Effective communication strategies depend on a deep understanding of what employees know and can do, facilitating better engagement, productivity, and adherence to company values and objectives.

Examples of employee knowledge and know-how in internal comms
A practical example of applying employee knowledge in internal comms could be targeted newsletters that address specific knowledge gaps or share insights based on employees' roles and experiences. For know-how, training sessions might be developed to enhance skills that increase efficiency in workplace communications.

Best practices for employee knowledge and know-how
Best practices in managing employee knowledge and know-how include creating knowledge-sharing platforms, promoting a culture of continuous learning, and recognising and utilising each employee's unique skills. Regular training and updates can also help maintain a high level of competence across the company.

Common challenges for employee knowledge and know-how

  • Ensuring consistent knowledge transfer across all levels of the organisation.

  • Overcoming resistance to new methods or technologies.

  • Managing knowledge retention amid staff turnover.

What does employee knowledge and know-how mean for frontline teams?
For organisations with significant frontline operations, like retail or healthcare, ensuring that all team members are up-to-date with the latest operational knowledge and have the practical know-how to execute their tasks can directly impact service quality and customer satisfaction.

Employee knowledge and know-how FAQs

How can internal comms improve knowledge sharing?
Effective internal communications ensure that all employees have access to the information and resources needed to understand their roles and responsibilities better, thereby improving overall performance.

What are some tools to enhance employee know-how?
Tools like digital workspaces, e-learning modules, and comms and training apps can enhance an employee’s job-specific know-how by providing accessible and engaging learning options.

How to measure employee knowledge?
Boosting employee knowledge goes hand in hand with career advancement and skill-building. These are key traits that employees look for when they join a company and if these learning and development components start to lag, you can be sure your employees will start looking for work elsewhere.


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